The rent arrears were run up by Mary and Joe, not just Mary. Joe had lost his job and had only been gone from Millar's Court, a couple of days.
Mary did not take to the streets again, till after Joe left and he had no more money to give her. So McCarthy's generosity in letting the rent slide included Joe as well. May of his tenants were probably behind with the rent. Also perhaps there was an Irish thing going, taking care of their own, Perhaps Joe had been useful to McCarthy in some way.
The idea that Mccarthy was a pimp is ridiculous for the following reasons.
None of the women were full time whores, but seemed to resort to it, when desperate, most of them were in relationships. They only charged fourpence. which they then spend on alcohol.
Any pimp would have been bankrupt if he had to rely on the irregularity and unreliablity of the c5 Miss Marple
The rent arrears were run up by Mary and Joe, not just Mary. Joe had lost his job and had only been gone from Millar's Court, a couple of days.
Mary did not take to the streets again, till after Joe left and he had no more money to give her. So McCarthy's generosity in letting the rent slide included Joe as well. May of his tenants were probably behind with the rent. Also perhaps there was an Irish thing going, taking care of their own, Perhaps Joe had been useful to McCarthy in some way.
The idea that Mccarthy was a pimp is ridiculous for the following reasons.
None of the women were full time whores, but seemed to resort to it, when desperate, most of them were in relationships. They only charged fourpence. which they then spend on alcohol.
Any pimp would have been bankrupt if he had to rely on the irregularity and unreliablity of the c5 Miss Marple