Graham, last night was the 4th of July, the celebration of Independence Day here in America. My wife and I travelled to a relative's home in a nearby county where fireworks are perfectly legal and sold in big tents. At the gathering we ate and drank much and shot off many fireworks. You might say We let the dogs out.
Here's another roman candle to shoot off:
So if this Fleming was named by Barnett, and Julia said Mary Jane told her he was misusing her, and if, according to the Sam-o-Meter, we calibrate his abode as being nearby, then where was he? Did he just melt into the woodwork?
Here's another roman candle to shoot off:
So if this Fleming was named by Barnett, and Julia said Mary Jane told her he was misusing her, and if, according to the Sam-o-Meter, we calibrate his abode as being nearby, then where was he? Did he just melt into the woodwork?