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Chapman and Kelly's Left Arms

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  • #31
    Originally posted by MayBea View Post
    Because of the requirement to explain the differences in the M.O. as explained by Michael:
    -Overkill and non-removal of the uterus.
    Mary Kelly's uterus was removed.
    Best Wishes,

    When evidence is not to be had, theories abound. Even the most plausible of them do not carry conviction- London Times Nov. 10.1888


    • #32
      Originally posted by Hunter View Post
      Mary Kelly's uterus was removed.
      Sorry, I misunderstood what was meant. You are correct; Mary's uterus was removed and placed "with her kidney and breasts at her head", the difference then being that the uterus was not removed from the scene, i.e. taken as a 'trophy'.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Hunter View Post
        Mary Kelly's uterus was removed.
        And left behind under her head, with a breast.

        Cheers Mike


        • #34
          Originally posted by Bridewell View Post
          Mary Ann Cox says she saw Kelly enter the room with Blotchy. George Hutchinson says he saw her enter the room with Astrakhan Man. How much weight you choose to place on that evidence is a matter of individual judgement but this is evidence that she did take clients to her room.

          There is, then, evidence (in the form of eye-witness testimony) that Kelly did take clients to her room.

          To clarify, I'm not arguing that every client was taken to her room, simply countering the assertion that none of them were.
          Its evidence that a witness claimed to see Mary take someone into her room that was assumed to be a client.....since Georges statement isnt a sound foundation to stand upon, thats hardly a confirmation. There is no witness from the court that stated Mary brought clients into her own room, and there is no evidence that Mary needed money for anything after 2am that morning.



          • #35
            Originally posted by Michael W Richards View Post
            Its evidence that a witness claimed to see Mary take someone into her room that was assumed to be a client.....
            All witnesses make claims, that is why they are called to the Inquest. And, this is an Inquest, not a trial.

            ...since Georges statement isnt a sound foundation to stand upon, thats hardly a confirmation.
            Can you think of anyone today who's opinion matters more than that of Abberline?

            ...There is no witness from the court that stated Mary brought clients into her own room, and there is no evidence that Mary needed money for anything after 2am that morning.
            It is true that Cox never said Blotchy had 'client' tattooed across his forehead, so I'll give you that.

            Can you think of a reason why the Coroner never asked Cox, "what do you think the man wanted?"

            Anything come to mind?
            Regards, Jon S.


            • #36
              From whence the argument that MJK wouldn't have taken clients to her room,

              Lizzie Albrook says "About the last thing she said to me was 'Whatever you do don't you do wrong and turn out as I did.' She had often spoken to me in this way and warned me against going on the street as she had done. She told me, too, that she was heartily sick of the life she was leading and wished she had money enough to go back to Ireland where her people lived. I do not believe she would have gone out as she did if she had not been obliged to do so to keep herself from starvation."

              And she herself said that she worked in a brothel, so why any doubt that she would do such a thing, as take a client to her room.
              G U T

              There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Michael W Richards View Post
                Its evidence that a witness claimed to see Mary take someone into her room that was assumed to be a client.....since Georges statement isnt a sound foundation to stand upon, thats hardly a confirmation. There is no witness from the court that stated Mary brought clients into her own room, and there is no evidence that Mary needed money for anything after 2am that morning.

                What bout Mary Ann Cox Mike? What have you to say regarding the fact that the poor woman had "prostitute" written on her death certificate? Labelled even in death. The police knew Mary Kelly to be a prostitute, the press reported as much. The man seen in the company of Mary Kelly on the night of her murder was not traced, no one apparently knew who the Blotchy man was. I'd say he didn't enter her room that night to hear her sing.

                What's more, if I had a good old English quid for every unfounded assumption that you have made here in this Forum I'd be a very wealthy man indeed





                • #38
                  Originally posted by GUT View Post
                  And she herself said that she worked in a brothel, so why any doubt that she would do such a thing, as take a client to her room.

                  Not necessarily that she never would or never has taken a client to her room, but we don't know if her killer, Blotchy or A-man were customers.



                  • #39
                    G'Day DRoy

                    And never will. Just as we will never know if any of the others were killed by customers.
                    G U T

                    There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by DRoy View Post

                      Not necessarily that she never would or never has taken a client to her room, but we don't know if her killer, Blotchy or A-man were customers.

                      Hi Roy

                      What have you to say regarding the fact that Blotchy Man was never traced.




                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Observer View Post
                        Hi Roy

                        What have you to say regarding the fact that Blotchy Man was never traced.



                        There are many who were not traced. A-Man, Pipeman, BS Man, the two soldiers, the list goes on and on.



                        • #42
                          Sometimes it seems like a miracle that anyone was traced.
                          G U T

                          There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                          • #43
                            folk music

                            Hello Jon.

                            "Can you think of a reason why the Coroner never asked Cox, "what do you think the man wanted?"

                            Anything come to mind?"

                            I thought the answer obvious. He wished to be regaled with Irish folk music. (heh-heh)



                            • #44
                              Mary might have not been overly worried about coming up with her rent money but unless she was not planning on living past the day she was killed I would expect her to be in need of money for food and drink.

                              I am not sure that it is a valid argument to say that Mary never would have brought a client to her room since there is no evidence that she had ever done so in the past. Would it be equally valid to say that she had never engaged in prostitution right up until the time that she did engage in it?

                              We also have to consider that the reason that she never brought a client to her room was because she was living with Barnett who apparently disapproved of her profession. Once he is removed from the scene I would think that all bets are off.



                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Hunter
                                Mary Kelly's uterus was removed
                                Originally posted by Michael W Richards View Post
                                And left behind under her head, with a breast.
                                Removed with a knife by her killer nonetheless.
                                Best Wishes,

                                When evidence is not to be had, theories abound. Even the most plausible of them do not carry conviction- London Times Nov. 10.1888

