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Was Liz Stride a Ripper Victim?

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  • #46
    I am quite keen on letting the evidence speak and take it on face value certainly at first. The Stride murder is a real puzzler. So many odd things. One minute Berner Street is very quiet, then its busy. Only recently we discover that just before Stride is murdered we have maybe 4 couples standing around. People coming and going etc. The we read again all quiet. Its complex.

    However we do know something.

    JTR killed women by cutting their throats and then mutilated them in some way. So yes she may have been killed by JTR and he was interrupted

    Another person may have killed her BUT that person would need a motive. What purpose would be served by just randomly cutting a woman's throat and killing her for no reason. I would imagine it hardly ever happens

    Unless in my opinion he had a grievance with Stride serious enough for him to cut her throat. A domestic, drunken partner, robbery gone wrong. In other words a connection of some sorts. I cant see (other than Kidney) any reason for anyone to just cut her throat and kill her.

    Not sure I have made much sense but worth a post I think



    • #47
      You’ve made perfect sense NW. I’ve said this before but in close to 40 years I’ve gone back and forth on the question of whether Stride was a ripper victim or not. At the moment I hedge toward ‘no’ because of the location but I could be guilty of a ‘well, I wouldn’t have killed her at that location’ syndrome. I’m not a murderer or a madman though (honestly) so it’s impossible to know what the killer was thinking. One conjecture that I’ve made on another thread is that perhaps BS man was the guy that Marshall had seen earlier with a woman who could have been Stride. Maybe he was someone that she wasn’t keen on so she made some excuse to get away from him but he then ran into her at the gates. A maybe she turned him down and his ego just wouldn’t allow for that so he stabbed her? Total speculation of course NW.

      Another slight twist could be that perhaps it was the ripper and he wanted her to go with him to a more suitable location (hence the pulling seen by Schwartz) but she refused to go and he killed her either in anger for the refusal or perhaps he was paranoid that she might have suspected his purpose. The more I think of this one the more I hedge my way back to the fence on this subject.

      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


      • #48
        Hello Herlock the idea of JTR pulling her away from the yard has a great deal of merit I think. There is evidence I believe that she did some work for members of the Jewish community. Charring I think is the expression a cleaning lady or tea lady I think. My mum was a charwoman many years ago. She may have been going into the yard judging it to be a safe place and he becomes agitated and cuts her throat as you say. I like to sound of that.

        So JTR is a firm possibility.

        If its not JTR then we have to look at persons who would cut a persons throat for no reason. If its not JTR could I suggest it has to be someone with a connection to Stride in some way or a reason. I just cant see one unless it was someone she had upset.

        I have wondered if she interrupted something going on. Got in the way of something but cant see anything to suggest that really but is hanging about in my head.


        • #49
          The fact that Eddowes also worked for the Jews, and mentioned 6 Fashion St; at the back of which was the Jewish soup kitchen, and Stride was murdered on the same night as Eddowes, whose cut piece of apron was taken by the killer and dropped under some chalk messaging referring to the Jewish community, plus the fact that Eddowes uses the name Mary Kelly, who is the name of the next victim, plus the fact that McKenzie also worked for the Jews...

          ...the link is there...

          The Moab and Midian letter also has references that target non-Jewish women who the writer believes have corrupted the Jewish men, through last and temptation.

          It all points to a Jewish man attacking non-Jewish women.

          But that could all be smoke and mirrors and have nothing to do with the killer's true identity.

          It does explain however why the police seemed to have focused on the killer being Jewish; when referring to Kosminski for example. The anti-semitic rhetoric at the time clearly swayed the investigation, and when looking at the link between Stride, Eddowes and Mckenzie is perhaps easier to see why.
          "Great minds, don't think alike"


          • #50
            Originally posted by New Waterloo View Post
            Hello Herlock the idea of JTR pulling her away from the yard has a great deal of merit I think. There is evidence I believe that she did some work for members of the Jewish community. Charring I think is the expression a cleaning lady or tea lady I think. My mum was a charwoman many years ago. She may have been going into the yard judging it to be a safe place and he becomes agitated and cuts her throat as you say. I like to sound of that.

            So JTR is a firm possibility.

            If its not JTR then we have to look at persons who would cut a persons throat for no reason. If its not JTR could I suggest it has to be someone with a connection to Stride in some way or a reason. I just cant see one unless it was someone she had upset.

            I have wondered if she interrupted something going on. Got in the way of something but cant see anything to suggest that really but is hanging about in my head.
            One suggestion that I made on the other thread was an alternative to the suggestion that she was standing in the gateway waiting for someone. It was back to the suggestion that she had been with BS man earlier, had separated with some (perhaps false) suggestion that they might meet up later. She walks along Berner Street and sees BS man approaching ahead. She ducks into the gateway hoping that he hasn’t seen her but too late. He arrives and the altercation seen by Schwartz occurs.

            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


            • #51
              Originally posted by Georgeb View Post
              Thanks for starting this thread I always find this topic interesting. Like many my opinion of Stride being a victim can change from post to post never mind week by week.
              My view Martha Tabram yes. Nichols and Chapman yes. Stride don't know yes/no. Eddowes and Kelly yes.
              Was interested that a few posters had doubts about Mary Kelly was a Ripper victim. I have never heard the reasons for the doubt as she seems the archetypal victim?
              I am curious about that, too. Never heard of any controversy surrounding Kelly being a victim. The idea of two such monsters in that small area and time frame is too far-fetched to me. I also include Tabram as a victim of the Ripper.


              • #52
                You are so correct Georgeb it is an interesting topic. The Stride case seems to baffle us but in some ways there are more 'witnesses' to what was going on than we could ever wish for. Its just that what people say about that night doesn't gel together very well as we all know. I think there is a chance we can solve this. Hang on a minute maybe I'm dreaming.

                I do think we could piece together some undisputable facts about that night which we all can agree on.

                For example James Brown states when speaking of the couple that he saw that the man was wearing a long coat almost to his heels. This is such a specific observation even if we say not all the way to the heels he does say a LONG COAT. Are we able to say that this man he sees is not the same man described by others as having a short or frock coat. I think so.

                Then work out from there maybe. This is not the couple seen by PC Smith earlier. It could be the same woman. But PC Smith at the inquest describes a cutaway coat which is not a long coat almost to the heels.

                That sort of thing




                • #53
                  Originally posted by Holmes' Idiot Brother View Post

                  I am curious about that, too. Never heard of any controversy surrounding Kelly being a victim. The idea of two such monsters in that small area and time frame is too far-fetched to me. I also include Tabram as a victim of the Ripper.
                  I agree.

                  Two individual killers operating separately; one responsible for the murder of Eddowes, and the other for Kelly; is too far-fetched, especially considering the vast similarities between the 2 victims.

                  However, 2 killers working together; 2 men, or a couple...

         indeed possible.
                  "Great minds, don't think alike"


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by New Waterloo View Post
                    You are so correct Georgeb it is an interesting topic. The Stride case seems to baffle us but in some ways there are more 'witnesses' to what was going on than we could ever wish for. Its just that what people say about that night doesn't gel together very well as we all know. I think there is a chance we can solve this. Hang on a minute maybe I'm dreaming.

                    I do think we could piece together some undisputable facts about that night which we all can agree on.

                    For example James Brown states when speaking of the couple that he saw that the man was wearing a long coat almost to his heels. This is such a specific observation even if we say not all the way to the heels he does say a LONG COAT. Are we able to say that this man he sees is not the same man described by others as having a short or frock coat. I think so.

                    Then work out from there maybe. This is not the couple seen by PC Smith earlier. It could be the same woman. But PC Smith at the inquest describes a cutaway coat which is not a long coat almost to the heels.

                    That sort of thing


                    It's interesting also that every single alleged witness in and around Berner St that night stated; in one way or another, that the street was relatively quiet.

                    Except one.

                    It's only Schwartz that brings the noise and drama.
                    "Great minds, don't think alike"


                    • #55
                      A small excerpt from the Coroner's summing up, at the inquest into the death of Liz Stride:

                      'She never accused any one of having threatened her. She never expressed any fear of anyone, and, although she had outbursts of drunkenness, she was generally a quiet woman. The ordinary motives of murder - revenge, jealousy, theft, and passion - appeared, therefore, to be absent from this case; while it was clear from the accounts of all who saw her that night, as well as from the post-mortem examination, that she was not otherwise than sober at the time of her death. In the absence of motive, the age and class of woman selected as victim, and the place and time of the crime, there was a similarity between this case and those mysteries which had recently occurred in that neighbourhood. There had been no skilful mutilation as in the cases of Nichols and Chapman, and no unskilful injuries as in the case in Mitre-square - possibly the work of an imitator; but there had been the same skill exhibited in the way in which the victim had been entrapped, and the injuries inflicted, so as to cause instant death and prevent blood from soiling the operator, and the same daring defiance of immediate detection...'

                      So, Liz Stride was not murdered by anyone she had a relationship with, as the result of a dispute. She appears to have had no enemies. She was not robbed either. Her murderer killed her simply for the act of killing - as with the other Ripper murders.

                      Her throat was severely cut, as with the other Ripper murders and it was done in such a way as to avoid the killer getting blood on himself. This is the same MO as the other Ripper murders. I believe the moment he inflicted the cut was the moment he was disturbed by Lewis Diemschutz's horse & cart, or there would probably have been a second cut inflicted, just to make sure.

                      The killer selected an 'unfortunate' woman, in the dark, as his victim, as in the other Ripper attacks.

                      The attack took place within that small area around Whitechapel, within that very narrow period of time in 1888.

                      It is highly likely that the killer was disturbed during his attack, as the victim was warm when discovered and blood was flowing.

                      Despite the lack of abdominal mutilations to this poor woman, I believe that Liz Stride was killed by the same deranged man who murdered the other four 'canonical' Ripper victims and he would have eviscerated and posed her, had time allowed. At least the interruption allowed her slightly less indignity in death than those other poor women.

                      For now we see through a glass darkly, but then, face to face.
                      Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by The Rookie Detective View Post

                        I agree.

                        Two individual killers operating separately; one responsible for the murder of Eddowes, and the other for Kelly; is too far-fetched, especially considering the vast similarities between the 2 victims.

                        However, 2 killers working together; 2 men, or a couple...

               indeed possible.
                        I see what you're saying; kind of a "Hillside Strangler" situation. They would have to very sure of one another. The trust would have to be absolute. Especially in light of the most extensive manhunt in English history at the time.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Holmes' Idiot Brother View Post

                          I see what you're saying; kind of a "Hillside Strangler" situation. They would have to very sure of one another. The trust would have to be absolute. Especially in light of the most extensive manhunt in English history at the time.
                          The sort of trust that one might find with either...

                          A romantic couple
                          2 soldiers
                          Father and Son
                          2 Brothers

                          If the Ripper was more than 1 person, then their degree of relationship is likely to have been from 1 (or more) of the above.
                          "Great minds, don't think alike"


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by The Rookie Detective View Post

                            The sort of trust that one might find with either...

                            A romantic couple
                            2 soldiers
                            Father and Son
                            2 Brothers

                            If the Ripper was more than 1 person, then their degree of relationship is likely to have been from 1 (or more) of the above.
                            By Jove, I think you've got it!

                            The Ripper was in fact a pair of unidentical male twins, one 5ft 3.5 inches tall, the other about 5ft 8inches. They were romantically involved (a fact they had hidden throughout their time as soldiers). The trigger for their killing spree was the moment they were told that they were in fact father & son, as the result of a liaison with five Whitechapel prostitutes, at least one of whom had syphilis.

                            So Liz Stride WAS a Ripper victim - but which of those two Rippers was it? Ripper Bill or Ripper Ben?

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	ripper bill ben.jpg
Views:	119
Size:	16.6 KB
ID:	847863

                            For now we see through a glass darkly, but then, face to face.
                            Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known.


                            • #59
                              Hello chubbs. I think you are correct in highlighting what the Coroner says in his summing up and it does seem that everything points to JTR killing Stride because basically why would any one else. I do think raised a very important point and observation However what the coroner says is interesting in that he uses the apparent fact that she was never threatened of feared anybody to strengthen the idea that it was JTR.

                              For some reason he seems to rule out the fact that Kidney had threatened and assaulted her in the past and they had a recent fall out. The man drank heavily and there is some evidence/suggestion that he was violent.

                              Perhaps what you have solidified with this case which is very positive is that it likely was JTR as suggested by the coroner so all we have to do now is fully rule out Kidney which will be difficult but perhaps not impossible if we have a closer look at him.

                              I do appreciate the idea of seeing what the coroner says because he has seen and spoken to the witnesses so his view of things should be seen as reliable.

                              I am going to have a read to see what others and Kidney say about Strides relationship just to satisfy myself

                              Thanks chubbs



                              • #60
                                The police were aware of Kidney and his relationship with Stride. If they never suspected him then they were complete and total idiots and incredibly incompetent. Since I don't think that was the case I have to believe they asked him for an alibi which he provided and which was checked. If he had no alibi, they would have asked Schwartz to identify him as the B.S. man. Since there is no report of that taking place I conclude he had an alibi.


