Originally posted by Abby Normal
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Ive yet to hear a decent explanation for this act that fits in with JtR .M.O ,everything about it is wrong in my opinion . Trying to drag her somewhere else while risking exposure , Stride perhaps now yelling even more kicking and screaming , bringing himself closer to witnesses for a better i.d , doesnt fit at all for me .
I think he killed her tho , but left right after that ,
Adding to that, there was more than enough time for JtR to mutilate her body [15 mins, Eddowes was done in 5] and yes possibly he was spooked,but to what extent ? It would have to be substancial amount of noise or imminent interuption for him to consider abandoning the scene, as he wasnt to perturbed with what was going on around him when he was killing Chapman .
If it was such a threat of immediate discovery , why wasnt the the body discovered well befor Diemschutz got to the scene .at 1.00 ?
As you say . Not rocket science , but a little more complicated than just B.S man scrambling away because he thought the scene was ''Too Hot ''