Originally posted by RivkahChaya
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You evidently haven't read all the posts going way back, where Mike has repeatedly brought up the third murder that night to try and lend more credence to the notion of two men out cutting the throats of Spitalfields unfortunates in the space of one hour and a short walk away from each other. "See, there's another one!" Never mind the fact that the Brown murder was a solved domestic over in Westminster. Never mind the fact that a repeat offender was roaming the streets of Whitechapel at the time cutting throats. Never mind that two murderers in the one night was already an exceedingly rare event. He tries the same thing with the Torso murders, using the fact that there was another active killer around to argue for several more of the buggers.
I just made observations, not arguments, and I think I was pretty careful to state that they were not arguments. I'm not sure why you think they were circular. If I predicated anything on them, it was only to show that another theory was just as easy to whip up as some other one.