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6d. Did Liz spend it, or die for it?

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  • scenario

    Hello Jon. Thanks.

    "Yes, and isn't it just possible that Kidney had stumbled upon her that night, or even followed her accompanied by those men?"

    I'll bite. Can you help me see this? Here's the least bad so far.

    1. Kidney worked the docks.

    2. He might have worked late.

    3. The docks were located to the south.

    4. Michael just happened to pass down Berner on his way home.

    5. He sees Liz by chance and "cautions" her.


    6. Schwartz has BS going north to south. from docks to home requires south to north.

    That won't do.



    • Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
      I appreciate that, but Kidney is rather like the forger Piggott. Both were laughed at in court, and the silly buggers laughed with them. that tells me something.

      Hi, Lynn,

      Have you heard of Columbine school shootings?

      Aren't there other people who have been laughed at, who perhaps laughed with their tormenters, then turned around and destroyed the tormentor or took it out on innocent people?

      You may be positive you can write Kidney off, but some people have turned around with an "I'll show them" attitude and done major damage -- the shooters at Columbine and Newtown come to my mind, I suspect there are others.



      • Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
        Hello Velma. I can't disagree with any of that. We simply don't know which way it happened.

        But we can be certain that Liz was not legendary for her veracity.

        Hi, Lynn,
        You're right of course about Stride's veracity. Have we met many people in this case capable of it?

        The only reason I'm sticking my nose in here is that I understand (from some law enforcement, social worker, etc. types) that most often (and not always) the abuse is real and the cycle keeps repeating. Which perhaps explains why she left so many times over the years. Naturally, when Kidney told the story, it was because SHE drank, certainly not because he did anything wrong. . . .

        We'll never know. I'm not sure we should bet the farm either way.



        • Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
          Hello Jon. Thanks.

          "Yes, and isn't it just possible that Kidney had stumbled upon her that night, or even followed her accompanied by those men?"

          I'll bite. Can you help me see this? Here's the least bad so far.

          1. Kidney worked the docks.

          2. He might have worked late.

          3. The docks were located to the south.

          4. Michael just happened to pass down Berner on his way home.

          5. He sees Liz by chance and "cautions" her.


          6. Schwartz has BS going north to south. from docks to home requires south to north.

          That won't do.

          Hi Lynn.

          Where are we told that he worked that night?
          Or, that he worked so late?
          Or, that he walked through Berner St. directly from work to home?

          Regards, Jon S.


          • grey matter

            Hello Velma. Thanks.

            Did any of them actually laugh along?

            I can see turning on your tormentors, but that seems to presuppose a bit of grey matter. See little evidence of his.



            • no saint

              Hello (again) Velma. Thanks.

              Indeed. In classical theory (which I have no cause to doubt) that is how it happens.

              To be clear, I take MK to be no saint, nor do I think he would stick at bopping Liz.

              But, you are right that we'll never know.



              • thread

                Hello Jon. Thanks.

                "Where are we told that he worked that night?
                Or, that he worked so late?
                Or, that he walked through Berner St. directly from work to home?"

                Merely someone on a thread trying to save MK's candidacy.



                • Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
                  Hello Jon. Thanks.

                  "Where are we told that he worked that night?
                  Or, that he worked so late?
                  Or, that he walked through Berner St. directly from work to home?"

                  Merely someone on a thread trying to save MK's candidacy.

                  Ok thats fine, just not sure if I'd missed something.

                  Do you think the direction walked by BS-man, south down Berner St. is consistent with Kidney coming from his home looking for Stride?

                  Regards, Jon S.


                  • Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
                    Hello Velma. Thanks.

                    Did any of them actually laugh along?

                    I can see turning on your tormentors, but that seems to presuppose a bit of grey matter. See little evidence of his.

                    I don't think we can know if they laughed along. It seems to me that often people do sort of laugh along, perhaps nervously, because they're learned they need to be doing what other people are.

                    I'm not sure we can presuppose a bit of brains when someone lashes out.



                    • perhaps

                      Hello Jon. Thanks.

                      "Do you think the direction walked by BS-man, south down Berner St. is consistent with Kidney coming from his home looking for Stride?"

                      More or less. Would be even better if he knew why Liz was on Berner.



                      • brains

                        Hello Velma. Thanks.

                        "I'm not sure we can presuppose a bit of brains when someone lashes out."

                        Well, that certainly describes Kidney. No reason to suppose brains in his case.



                        • Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
                          Hello Jon. Thanks.

                          "Do you think the direction walked by BS-man, south down Berner St. is consistent with Kidney coming from his home looking for Stride?"

                          More or less. Would be even better if he knew why Liz was on Berner.

                          Precisely what occurred to me as I was posting the question.

                          Leaping to the next question, (if BSman was Kidney), did he know her patch, or did someone tell him where she was going that night, and perhaps why?

                          Regards, Jon S.


                          • Lynn,

                            Hang on. she may have been upset and had him charged. When she cooled down and thought it over, she didn't show up.
                            Possible, but so is alien abduction

                            I appreciate that, but Kidney is rather like the forger Piggott. Both were laughed at in court, and the silly buggers laughed with them. that tells me something.
                            Did Kidney laugh too? Regardless, being simple minded doesn't mean he's a pussycat.



                            • You would have to think that if the police suspected Kidney of being the BS man that they would have asked Schwartz to identify him.



                              • no genius

                                Hello Jon. Thanks.

                                "Leaping to the next question, (if BS man was Kidney), did he know her patch, or did someone tell him where she was going that night, and perhaps why?"

                                If Berner was Liz's patch, suddenly, Michael Kidney looks like a genius. (heh-heh)


