just for fun really
Broadshoulders was not intending to mutilate Stride in Dutfields yard, maybe he was trying to get Stride to walk away with him, maybe the intended murder site was down the road and around the corner...an unlit street!
He tried to pull her out of the yard, but they struggled and she fell over, he got a bit bad tempered when he saw the other guy and shouted JEW/LIPSKI, Schwartz walked off, followed by the other taller witness with a pipe, this lot is a bit of a mess, so my guess is Broadshoulders chased them both off, Pipeman was not following Schwartz, but leaving hastily in his direction too..simply behind him that's all.
E.Stride was waiting for somebody inside the club and refused to go with JTR, so he finally walked off too, in a bad temper, he then returned 5 minutes later and cut her throat in anger and spite.....he then went looking for another victim !
it doesn't make sense at all, that Jack was ever intending to kill in Dutfields, the place is simply way too risky and JTR would have known this too, i think he was trying to lead Stride to a quieter location, like he did with Eddowes, but Stride refused to go with him.
there is a time gap between Eddowes and Stride, this is ok, but JTR might have been looking for a piece of Chalk first, he was still upset about Stride and having his evening ruined, so he wrote the Graffito.
he shouted ``Jew``, but he never shouted at other eye witnesses did he, and it's interesting that he didn't really care if he was seen either, no instead, he was upset that Stride wouldn't walk off somewhere quieter, he saw Schwartz and was thinking, ``you can clear off Jew and you too, go on get lost the both of you``.
he then realised that he had made a fool of himself, he walked off for 5 minutes to let everything calm down and then returned to kill that ``annoying woman``, to me Broadshoulders could be a match for the Eddowes suspect, with a quick change of clothing and a 50% margin for error, JTR doesn't have to change much, just look a bit more like a sailor.... maybe
it's food for thought only !

Broadshoulders was not intending to mutilate Stride in Dutfields yard, maybe he was trying to get Stride to walk away with him, maybe the intended murder site was down the road and around the corner...an unlit street!
He tried to pull her out of the yard, but they struggled and she fell over, he got a bit bad tempered when he saw the other guy and shouted JEW/LIPSKI, Schwartz walked off, followed by the other taller witness with a pipe, this lot is a bit of a mess, so my guess is Broadshoulders chased them both off, Pipeman was not following Schwartz, but leaving hastily in his direction too..simply behind him that's all.
E.Stride was waiting for somebody inside the club and refused to go with JTR, so he finally walked off too, in a bad temper, he then returned 5 minutes later and cut her throat in anger and spite.....he then went looking for another victim !
it doesn't make sense at all, that Jack was ever intending to kill in Dutfields, the place is simply way too risky and JTR would have known this too, i think he was trying to lead Stride to a quieter location, like he did with Eddowes, but Stride refused to go with him.
there is a time gap between Eddowes and Stride, this is ok, but JTR might have been looking for a piece of Chalk first, he was still upset about Stride and having his evening ruined, so he wrote the Graffito.
he shouted ``Jew``, but he never shouted at other eye witnesses did he, and it's interesting that he didn't really care if he was seen either, no instead, he was upset that Stride wouldn't walk off somewhere quieter, he saw Schwartz and was thinking, ``you can clear off Jew and you too, go on get lost the both of you``.
he then realised that he had made a fool of himself, he walked off for 5 minutes to let everything calm down and then returned to kill that ``annoying woman``, to me Broadshoulders could be a match for the Eddowes suspect, with a quick change of clothing and a 50% margin for error, JTR doesn't have to change much, just look a bit more like a sailor.... maybe
it's food for thought only !