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Arbeiter Fraint

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  • #61
    Great to see that transcription from the Arbeter Fraint, Lynn and Chris. I have long wondered what the newspaper wrote about the murders and it's wonderful to finally read it. Keep up the good work!

    Christopher T. George
    Organizer, RipperCon #JacktheRipper-#True Crime Conference
    just held in Baltimore, April 7-8, 2018.
    For information about RipperCon, go to
    RipperCon 2018 talks can now be heard at


    • #62
      Originally posted by Chris View Post
      Courtesy of Lynn, here is the next instalment of the Arbeter Fraint translations. I believe this is from the 12 October 1888 issue (subject to Lynn's confirmation), and is a translation of the first page only.

      (In the first paragraph, "White Plains" should be Whitechapel, I think, and of course "East Side" is American for "East End.")

      [Col. 1]

      Wolves in Sheep Skins

      In the previous issue of W. F. [“Worker’s Friend” - Trans.] there was a full account of the recent, horrible murders in White Plains, which cause such a terrific commotion, one can say, in the whole “civilized” world. Now, however, we deem it necessary to draw several conclusions from these most tragic and cruel stories.

      The six murders of unfortunate street women [Prostitutes. - Trans.] in East London, which were committed by one or several murderers or madmen, nevertheless, show how suspicious and cruel today’s society is. However in a society in which there is a constant war for survival, a general struggle in which the weak, the unfortunate and the honest [people] fall and are mercilessly trampled upon like worms, only in a society of swindling, thieving and robbing sanctioned by law, in a society in which unfortunate women are forced to sell their bodies and the workers, who have been robbed, [sell] the only thing they possess: their ability to work—[only] in such a society can such cruel murderers be nurtured and developed, [murderers] and all kinds of scoundrels that we see these days.

      But it is not about this that I want to speak [sic] in this article. The main thing I want to point out here is the heartless ________, the great corruption and baseness of the ruling thieving class, which is itself guilty in all the murders, robberies and the desecration of our time, as well as all the problems and suffering of the working class. Oh, they are clever, these “fine” people, these masters! As long as these poor female streetwalkers die out quietly of consumption and syphilis, so long as the unfortunate workers (male and female) die quietly from hunger, loneliness and diseases (which are, for the most part caused by poverty and hardship), they remain silent, these benevolent lords; but as soon as these lonely and debased people, who become stepchildren of nature because a small gang of bloodsuckers have grabbed up everything on earth, begin to take revenge on the unjust and inhumane society by frequent stealing, robbing and murdering as well as through epidemic diseases and blights—then one hears a great, general lamenting of all the “high and mighty” folk: they complain about the depravity and corruption of the poor [and] the disgrace of prostitution. They suggest cold-hearted cures to improve the lonely condition of the unfortunates and, finally, with great pomp, they give several pennies to charity.

      The strange murder on the East Side caused this kind of lamenting. The capitalist newspapers do not even know how to express their horror at these cruel killings, and all the capitalist do-gooders are crying. . .crocodile tears. Each one of them is searching for something to say, something to suggest, to advise; this one screams about prostitution, the other one describes the lonely dwelling places of the destitute on the East Side, the third one demands the destruction of the truly terrible lodging houses, where the unfortunate homeless can, for several pence, spend the night; the fourth insists that religion among people should be strengthened, and the, finally, the wealthy offer a monetary reward for anyone who can deliver the murderer into the hands of the police, who have completely lost their heads and who are being insulted from all sides. In a word, all the exploiters and their slaves: the newspaper reporters speak and shout about

      [Col. 2]

      their good heart all over the world and desire to show their sympathy and good-heartedness to the poor, but none of them mention even a word about the cause of all the problems and suffering of these people, such as: private property, exploitation, military costs and other such “trivialities.”

      But tell me, you fine, good-hearted people, what is it that happened here about which you are making such a commotion? One mad murderer killed 6 women. But aren’t there much greater and more horrific slaughters every day, and you do not even make a peep?

      Tell me, why didn’t you even open your mouths when on the 11th of last November 5 innocent men were hanged and 3 were buried alive after being arrested for their too great devotion to their people? Why did you remain silent, when not long ago the gendarmes beat and wounded with their swords the poor women from Alasak [sp?] (France), who asked for work and bread for their children? Why are you silent now, when the soldiers and police beat and chase away the strikers from the mines near Saint Etienne in France? Why aren’t you shouting when hundreds of miners are buried in their deep mines, because the companies don’t fortify the mine vaults and other structures so that they can save money? Aren’t these powerful companies directly responsible for those mass murders and aren’t these murders much more horrific and cruel that the 6 murders in Whitechapel?

      Now the English capitalists and the government gangs are slaughtering thousands of innocent people in Tibet (Central Asia), just as they did before in India in order to stuff their pockets with even more money—what aren’t you protesting against that, you good-hearted lords? Similar massacres are being committed now in Italy and Masova, the Germans near Zanzibar, the French in Tankin, and Tunis and even in Algiers—and all these “fine” people are rubbing their hands together and even want to convince the common man that with these horrific acts of bloodshed they are spreading “civilization”! Now the famous Stanley is making a path with fire and sword through Central Africa, so that the capitalists might have another market in which to sell their wares. Thousands of blacks are being slaughtered, nor are the Europeans being protected. Nevertheless, these lords are sending new expeditions to help Stanley, who is already dead, just like his adjutant, Bartelo, who was murdered by his own soldiers for his terrible cruelty and tyranny. They are representing this vile action as something noble and useful for all humanity!

      Oh, those hypocrites! They know only too well what the truth is and strive only to dazzle the eyes of the [common] people. What questions, what “whys” we would ask them without end. Whole books could even be written. For our readers, however, we believe that those asked here are also sufficient, and the goodhearted masters respond to these questions with silence and shrug their shoulders.

      And what should they answer, when then know full well that the correct response to these questions is their self-destruction, the destruction of the whole system of today’s society that allows them to become rich from the workers’ toil and to subjugate the people? Yes, all of these murders and disgraceful acts, large or small, [committed] openly or secretly, lawfully or unlawfully—all of this cannot stop and disappear until there will no longer be any

      [Col. 3]

      slaves. When all people in the world will be equal brothers, when human society will actually be humane, based on true freedom, equality and fraternity.

      But that you most certainly do not want, you “goodhearted” scoundrels, who desire only to confuse the minds with empty shouts and hypocritical shenanigans. You think that you will always be able to ride on the backs of the people with impunity, but the time of the people’s enlightenment is approaching at a terribly fast pace. The workers are waking up and are throwing off the blinders that you have placed on their eyes—and your dark and bitter end is nigh. Your lies, your arrogance and thieving tricks will not help you: the people are beginning to see everything more clearly and more plainly—that you yourselves are the only reason for their troubles and suffering, you “fine” people, you “good hearted philanthropists.”

      P. Krants


      Our Notebook

      In France, they have now begun [to bother] foreigners. The reason for this is the political situation in which the French republic now finds itself. The clouds of war that are becoming ever thicker, are now, for the most part, hovering over France and it is now in danger of having the storm break out over it. The war exchanges in all countries are now proceeding with more zeal and speed, and we can expect the European dance of blood between the nations to break out at any moment. All the crowned animals see the French republic as the main goal of this war. It is like a bone in their throat. They want to destroy it and replace it with a monarchy, because the French freethinking and revolutionary people are doing them great harm, because it serves all people as a working example.

      The main leader and goad against France is, naturally, Bismarck. He has already been successful in inciting Italy, which let itself be convinced that it will get back from France that which it once lost. Then comes Belgium, which always stood on a friendly footing with France.

      This small, neutral country has now made a treaty with Germany, or even worse, it has completely capitulated, since it has officially promised Germany that in the case of war with France, it will permit the German Army to traverse the whole land. And the weakest and least fortified side of France is its north side, the border [it shares] with Belgium.

      In addition, German spies are now swarming in France. They spy throughout the land despite war condition, fortifications, borders and so on. This, naturally, is the worst thing, forced the French government to take strong measures to exterminate this scourge. That is why the laws against foreigners were now instituted. Of course, this is not shown directly, but they now demand that every foreigner show his papers. And the French government and foreigner’s government get involved with the person who has no papers and cannot get papers, for example a political emigrant. He then is threatened

      [to be continued]
      Priceless Lynn..........thanks so much.I have read up on the club itself extensively mostly via William Morris"s letters and Prof Fishman"s books---even in some very early copies of books by Michael Davitt in Kensington.I have never up until now caught the flavour of the rhetoric as recorded in Arbeter Fraint[Worker's Friend].You can sense the original elan of the movement,its optimism and fire.
      Great contribution and thanks to Chris for posting it,
      Last edited by Natalie Severn; 07-06-2011, 08:43 PM.


      • #63

        Hello Maria. Thanks. Yes, whenever you are ready.



        • #64

          Hello Chris G. Thanks for the kind words.

          Hope to have much more in future.



          • #65
            Jacob Rombro

            Hello Norma. Thanks. Rombro DOES have a way with words, doesn't he?



            • #66
              Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
              Hello Norma. Thanks. Rombro DOES have a way with words, doesn't he?

              Absolutely Lynn!


              • #67
                Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
                Hello Maria. Thanks. Yes, whenever you are ready.
                Cheers. LC
                Thank you so much, Lynn. I've got some things on Danish diplomats, but haven't managed to seriously go through them yet. Hopefully tomorrow on the plane.
                It's so hot here in Athens, I can hardly stand it. Wish I could go sleep inside of a swimming pool.
                Best regards,


                • #68
                  Again courtesy of Lynn, here is the conclusion of "Our Notebook" and the beginning of "Future Society," both from page 2 of the 12 October 1888 issue (a small portion of about seven lines is missing from the penultimate paragraph of "Our Notebook").

                  [Our Notebook - continued from p. 1]

                  [Col. 1]

                  his papers. Naturally if a German, Italian or Belgian didn’t have any papers, the French government would certainly not turn to the Germans or the others who are antagonistic to it, and will tell them unceremoniously to go back where they came from. In this way, it can rid itself of spies.

                  Whom can this stranger’s decree affect the most are those foreign socialists. It is quite possible that the latter will suffer under this new decree. The French bourgeoisie now have the best opportunity to be free of these opponents of socialism, because these foreign socialists, for the most part, have no papers, and for them the French government is not likely to grant them papers from their government. As of now, we cannot yet say anything with certainty. Time will tell.

                  In the “Continental Gallery,” 157 New Bond St., London, there is now a very interesting picture of the Russian artist, Gorky. This picture has a noteworthy history. It has the title: “A Test of Subjugation” and presents a certain terrible, cruel fact that is well known in tragic Russian history under the name Ivan Grozni (Ivan the Terrible), this mad murderer, who had a horrible distrust of the Bavarians. [He thought] that they wanted to kill him, so he gave his chief commander, Kudeyar, permission to visit his wife under the condition that Kudeyar should give him proof of his loyalty to him. Kudeyar accepted this suggestion. Ivan the Terrible then invited him to his home for supper, and the first thing that Kudeyar saw when he entered the room was his wife hanging near the dining room table. The artist, Gorski, captured this moment in a painting—when Kudeyar, half mad with anguish, wants to throw himself at the terrible Tsar. The present government, however, has confiscated this fine picture, and one of its founders said that at the same time that this painting was finished practically the same thing happened to the heroic Sofia Perovskaya, and, of course, she didn’t think it seemly to let the people see a picture in which the Tsar hanged a woman. After much pleading and difficulties, Gorsky finally succeeded in getting his painting back, but now he was forced to remain in exile. Wild Man number three only needs Kosacks, spies and hangmen in Russia.

                  All Socialist Revolutionary Unions of London invited Mrs. Parsons, the widow of our murdered comrade from Chicago, to come to London on the eleventh of November. This brave woman responded that she would come. All necessary travel expenses

                  [Col. 2]

                  to send it this union. Revolutionaries in all countries make preparations for the commemoration of this day. Special flyers in various languages will appear here will be distributed free of charge to all workers. All of these preparations are made so that every worker what happened on this day: how five of the best and most honest workers of our people were murdered only because they explained to the suffering people where their suffering was coming from. This bloody day should be etched in the memories of the working people until the day of revenge will come.

                  There are many questions about what happened at Comrade Yohan Most’s trial. As is well known, Most was sentenced to a year’s imprisonment for a speech he held at a meeting in New York. The trial was postponed and it was thought that nothing would come of it. Those, however, who know American justice, knew that the postponement meant that something underhanded was going on. And as we see that was correct. The prosecutor now wants the Supreme Court (the highest court in America) to confirm the first sentence. The meaning of this treatment is easy to explain. Soon it will be the eleventh of November, and they want at this time to silence a devoted and true fighter for the people. We do not know for certain if the Supreme Court will accede to the wishes of this disgraceful prosecutor, but we should not expect anything good to come from the first one either, since neither one is better than the other in all aspects.

                  The young German monarch is traveling to Italy this week. With his trip he wants to achieve a double goal. Firstly, he wants to strengthen his ties with the Italian monarch Volf against France, and secondly, he wants to smile at the old frog, the Pope, who is more and more losing his infallibility with the Catholics. Things must really be very bad with that religion, when a Lutheran “Kaiser” has to turn to a Catholic Pope, [to ask him] to pour salt on the tails of the religion, which is flying away from the people. And the religions were always the best way to stupefy the people in order to be able to enslave them. At the same time as the hold of religion disappears, the tendency toward independence and the revolutionary spirit always increases in people. In addition, the rulers seek war. They believe that the spilling of blood drives away the spirit of freedom. These crowned evil animals forget in their despairing situation what world opinion is. We, however, do not forget that all of these shameful means are like beating a dead horse.

                  As it appears, the nihilists in Russia are not sleeping. Recently making repairs in a palace of a so-called, veliki kniazh, a bomb was found under a column, which a

                  [Col. 3]

                  [about seven lines missing] He then is threatened

                  The Socialist Club, in the Clarendon Buildings, Victoria Road, in Lyons, is presenting a series of readings. Last Sunday, Comrade McQuire gave a reading of the “Workers’ Party: Its goal and Its Methods.” On the 14th of October Comrade Feylad will read from “The Land for the People.” On the 21st of October Comrade Hillel will speak about “Socialism; the Only Hope of the Worker.” And on the 28th of October Comrade Solitt [will speak on] “Past and Future Politics.” After the talks there will be discussions in which everyone can participate.


                  Future Society
                  (Fourth article, continued from number 39 [i.e. 28 September issue])

                  The two main socialist parties are now the Collectivists and the Anarchists; the Social-Democrats and the State Communists have now been created from the first two unimportant ones. The difference between these four parties is between Collectivism and Communism in economic relationship and between Anarchism and Social Democracy in political relationship.

                  There is also an important difference between centralization and federation, and because these two very often call for discussions among thinking workers, we will shortly explain their meaning.

                  Even if our goal here were not to discuss the differences of opinion of the parties, we would, however, find it necessary for our readers to make clear the goals of all the Socialist parties, so that they know what it means when they hear or read about this or that Socialist section, and secondly it will be easier to explain what we want to accomplish with these articles.

                  Centralization comes from the word “center.” The center is the midpoint of every thing. One could say the center of the city (the midpoint of the city) and the government’s center or the central government.

                  Centralization, according to the Socialist position, means a country that has a central managing committee or government—every city votes for one or several representatives and sends them to the capitol of the country, where a special building is built for these representatives. These representatives must manage the country, as, for example, the ministers do now in Parliament; with the difference, of course, being that now the central government consists only of the Capitalist class, and in a Socialist society it would consist completely of workers.

                  In addition, a central government has

                  [to be continued]


                  • #69
                    "Every Friend of Humanity''

                    Thanks Lynn and Chris for sharing this.

                    I reread the want ads posted in January, and I love this one: "I ask every friend of humanity, if he meets a man named Khonon Veits, a tailor from Shvintson, approximately 27 years of age ,of medium height with a round face, small black eyes, black-gray hair and mustache, one shoulder [?] higher than the other—please let me know and do a great, good deed. Morris Hacker 11, Pelham Sr., Spitalfields, London."

                    Morris could be looking for a friend or relative he lost track of, perhaps in the course of emigrating. Sometimes personal ads like this were placed when a person was dying and wanted to see their child, relative, or old friend one last time, perhaps for purposes of reconciliation- thus it would be a 'good deed' to assist. I like the appeal to ''every friend of humanity'', and I sincerely hope Morris found Khonon.

                    Best regards,


                    • #70
                      Hi all. I'm grateful to Archaic for 'bumping' this thread up, because I was gone during the time a lot of this was posted. I'm extremely impressed that Lynn was able to see his project through to completion, and it's great to be able to read this.

                      Yours truly,

                      Tom Wescott


                      • #71
                        slow but staedy

                        Hello Tom. Thanks. But completion is a few years off.



                        • #72
                          Endless gratitude to Lynn Cates and Chris Phillips for patiently going on with this project, and particularly to Lynn for financing it out of his own pockets.
                          Lynn, can I email you (as long as I finish writing a paper on deadline for a conference next week)? I've got some ideas for research which might interest you, plus an idea for a possible co-financement of the AF translation project.
                          Best regards,


                          • #73

                            Hello Maria. Any time.



                            • #74
                              I've now copied the translations so far to the Wiki section, for easy reference. The index page is at:


                              • #75
                                Wonderful to have this Lynn.Thanks so much to you and Chris for making it available.Arbeter Fraint!It was one of William Morris's favourite newspapers----even though he couldn't understand it he had a great love and comradely feeling for it---as do I!

