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A problem with the "Eddowes Shawl" DNA match

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  • Astonishing. That the Society would go along with this, I mean.


    • And just for good measure:


      • Dr JL's friends

        Originally posted by Chris View Post
        Chris, this is the tweet from Dr. JL's twitter that intrigues me:

        My Pal Daz the Bull

        Now this character seems to be "business colleague Darren" of RE. And in fact RE made this post on his Facebook page:

        Ronnie Biggs Funeral Pics

        "Business Colleague Darren" features in all three pictures of the Biggs funeral post. The two lower ones are interesting. First Darren with Dave Courtney - self-proclaimed former gangster and author- both holding sawn off shotguns!! The second with Darren, Courtney and a third man - Chris Lambrianou a former Kray twins enforcer and convicted of the murder of Jack "The Hat" McVite.

        And today from RE's Facebook page, the good doctor JL with Darren and a second gentleman called John.

        Dr JL at Stonehenge

        And a rather sad looking Mr Paul Begg with RE, Darren and John (also from RE's facebook page)

        After Dinner Chat

        I have to wonder why Dr JL is hanging around with these guys.

        RE's world seems bizarre

        cheers, gryff
        Last edited by Peter Griffith aka gryff; 11-09-2014, 11:55 AM. Reason: addition


        • Criminal Evidence Bags For Social Media Show & Tell?

          Originally posted by Chris View Post
          Hi Chris.

          I looked at JL's Twitter photo of sealed Crime Scene Investigation Evidence bags and noticed the Evidence bag on the right has what what looks like a bio-hazard label on it. I also noticed the bags have large empty areas marked "Chain of Possession"... how ironic!

          I zoomed in a bit on my laptop. I was shocked to find that I was able to read the labels on the Evidence bags, which contain personal information such as names of victims/donors that ought to be kept private.

          Unless Dr Louhelainen happens to train CSI students with FAKE evidence samples in PRETEND sealed and labeled bags, those are Criminal Evidence Bags, not sack lunches or McDonald's Happy Meals.

          If JL wants to share a photo of his lunch he's welcome to, but "tweeting" to the world the label side of criminal evidence bags is highly unprofessional. It's not only in poor taste, it violates basic ethical standards such as CONFIDENTIALITY.
          What about the victims and their families?

          Dr. Louhelainen seems to be carried away with his own sense of "celebrity", and to have forgotten his professional obligations, including his obligations to his students as Senior Lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University.

          Wouldn't it be better to set a good example by demonstrating proper professional behavior when training students for a career in Crime Scene Forensics?

          I hope Dr. Louhelainen will remove the evidence bags photo immediately and stop this adolescent showing off.


          I'm utterly disgusted.


          • and a rather sad looking Mr Paul Begg with RE, Darren and John (also from RE's facebook page)

            After Dinner Chat

            I have to wonder why Dr JL is hanging around with these guys
            I wasn't aware that hanging around with Paul Begg was now considered beyond the pale.
            I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.


            • I also noticed the bags have large empty areas marked "Chain of Possession"... how ironic!
              Maybe - although the first link in the chain is the person taking possession of the exhibit. His or her initials identify the item. The "Chain of Possession" area would be left blank until it was handled by a second individual. I agree that if these are genuine exhibits, rather than training props, the information should not be on view. They look suspiciously neat for exhibit bags in the real world though.
              Last edited by Bridewell; 11-09-2014, 12:51 PM.
              I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.


              • Hi Archaic,
                I think (hope) the evidence bags will be mock-ups used in the forensic science course. Jari teaches crime scene investigation as part of the forensic science degree at John Moores.


                • Hi Debs; thanks very much.

                  I sure hope you're right.

                  I wonder if JL put everything on social media before the book came out?



                  • Originally posted by Peter Griffith aka gryff View Post
                    Chris, this is the tweet from Dr. JL's twitter that intrigues me:

                    My Pal Daz the Bull

                    Now this character seems to be "business colleague Darren" of RE. And in fact RE made this post on his Facebook page:

                    Ronnie Biggs Funeral Pics

                    "Business Colleague Darren" features in all three pictures of the Biggs funeral post. The two lower ones are interesting. First Darren with Dave Courtney - self-proclaimed former gangster and author- both holding sawn off shotguns!! The second with Darren, Courtney and a third man - Chris Lambrianou a former Kray twins enforcer and convicted of the murder of Jack "The Hat" McVite.

                    And today from RE's Facebook page, the good doctor JL with Darren and a second gentleman called John.

                    Dr JL at Stonehenge

                    I have to wonder why Dr JL is hanging around with these guys.

                    RE's world seems bizarre

                    cheers, gryff

                    Maybe it's a subtle message to pesky Ripperologists referencing armed bodyguards, knuckle sandwiches and cement shoes?

                    I'm glad they're all smiling and look like nice guys.

                    Best regards,


                    • I wouldn't sweat these hacks anymore. They've been exposed as quacks now so we already know the truth. They can peddle their lies but it's already sealed in the quack box with van gogh


                      • Originally posted by RockySullivan View Post
                        I wouldn't sweat these hacks anymore. They've been exposed as quacks now so we already know the truth. They can peddle their lies but it's already sealed in the quack box with van gogh
                        Are you really putting Kosminski in the same category as Van Gogh?
                        I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.


                        • Originally posted by Chris View Post
                          Astonishing. That the Society would go along with this, I mean.
                          Perhaps with "Daz the Bull" there to enforce the request, they really felt they had no choice.

                          I don't think even the Maybrick Diary ever achieved quite this level of farce.


                          • Originally posted by Archaic View Post
                            Hi Chris.

                            I looked at JL's Twitter photo of sealed Crime Scene Investigation Evidence bags and noticed the Evidence bag on the right has what what looks like a bio-hazard label on it. I also noticed the bags have large empty areas marked "Chain of Possession"... how ironic!

                            I zoomed in a bit on my laptop. I was shocked to find that I was able to read the labels on the Evidence bags, which contain personal information such as names of victims/donors that ought to be kept private.

                            Unless Dr Louhelainen happens to train CSI students with FAKE evidence samples in PRETEND sealed and labeled bags, those are Criminal Evidence Bags, not sack lunches or McDonald's Happy Meals.

                            If JL wants to share a photo of his lunch he's welcome to, but "tweeting" to the world the label side of criminal evidence bags is highly unprofessional. It's not only in poor taste, it violates basic ethical standards such as CONFIDENTIALITY.
                            What about the victims and their families?

                            Dr. Louhelainen seems to be carried away with his own sense of "celebrity", and to have forgotten his professional obligations, including his obligations to his students as Senior Lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University.

                            Wouldn't it be better to set a good example by demonstrating proper professional behavior when training students for a career in Crime Scene Forensics?

                            I hope Dr. Louhelainen will remove the evidence bags photo immediately and stop this adolescent showing off.


                            I'm utterly disgusted.
                            How do you know, as you imply, the bags are not for teaching purposes only, and the names on them fictitious?


                            • Originally posted by Bridewell View Post
                              Are you really putting Kosminski in the same category as Van Gogh?
                              No the shawl in Edwards theory of the crime


                              • Originally posted by Cogidubnus View Post
                                Sorry Geoffrey but I'm beginning to lack a sense of humour vis a vis these people
                                Cog, I note the lack of response you got to your three questions over at the JtRForums:

                                Was a legitimate attendee asked to leave? Answer Yes or No

                                Did the Q & A session go ahead after various members left in protest? Answer Yes or No

                                Were the questions to be asked censored either on the night or before? Answer Yes or No
                                Chris describes it as a farce , but I'm more inclined to fiasco as farce usually has some elements of comedy.

                                All I know is that according to Dr. JL's Twitter account :

                                "At airport again. Very successful weekend behind and on my way back home now."
                                And I imagine RE thinks the same thing

                                Looks like WS1888 conference is a fail. Sure they will try to spin it ....

                                cheers, gryff
                                Last edited by Peter Griffith aka gryff; 11-09-2014, 10:53 PM. Reason: addition

