I just want to say that the impression (granted, this was a month ago) I got from both Dr. L and his PR agent is that they prefer his appearances be with Russell Edwards rather than solo. The reason given to me for this tag team approach was the Dr's general lack of knowledge about particulars of the Whitechapel murders if ever he was asked about something case related, and he apparently lacks the comfort with the English language necessary if needing to be exact in his comprehension of questions and his replies with a native speaker.
Edit- I'd also like to add that my last contact with Dr. Louhelainen was one day before the start of this thread, and Chris indicated he had given Louhelainen the heads up/chance to respond privately before the first post, and so I suspect I know why they preferred not to discuss their findings in any detail in a podcast format with me and selected guests.
Edit- I'd also like to add that my last contact with Dr. Louhelainen was one day before the start of this thread, and Chris indicated he had given Louhelainen the heads up/chance to respond privately before the first post, and so I suspect I know why they preferred not to discuss their findings in any detail in a podcast format with me and selected guests.