Originally posted by JeffHamm
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The statement by Halse is not referenced, but neither is the sentence above that on the same page which came from Smiths memoirs. Interestingly, the sentence by Smith is not the one that I used. The authors could have used the same one as I did if they had been pushing the size of the apron. However, back in 1975, the question of how large the G.S. piece of apron had been was never an issue.
The size of the apron only became an issue in the late 90's, when I wrote a dissertation:
for Casebook where I proposed that rather than the G.S. piece being used to merely wipe the hands & knife, I suspect is was used to carry away the organs.
By the late 1990's I had owned, at one time or another, every published book on the Ripper murders, and to my astonishment not one author had made this suggestion.
Ever since that dissertation was posted the size of the apron has been an ongoing issue for some theorists. That being the case I know that Jones & Lloyd had no cause to promote the size of the apron piece, otherwise they would have also used the same sentence by Smith. what they wrote preceded my dissertation by almost 25 years.
It must be admitted though, I'm not the only student of the case to look through the press for that same quote, there are some newspapers that are not yet on-line, so it may turn up someday.