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Where is Catherine?

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  • #16
    Rain, rain, go away . . .

    Hello Jon.

    "Maybe, she took shelter in doorways from the rain as she meandered along."

    But the rain had ended at 11.30.



    • #17
      What were they up to?"

      Hello Phil.

      "* she went somewhere specific (where?) and then resumed her walk;

      * she was looking for someone specific and it took him to find him;"

      Could be. This would be easier if we knew what she and John were up to in Shoreditch that afternoon.



      • #18
        Originally posted by miakaal4 View Post
        Well I personally do not have a clue, well I do have a bit of a clue, but it's useless.
        She leaves the Bishopsgate P.S at 01.00 with a "goodnght ****" and despite moaning about being in trouble for her lateness, or lack of funds, she turns left, the opposite way to home, but the right way to Mitre Square.
        Much has always been made of the suggestion that she turned to her left as she exited the station, but she was not well dressed for a night on the streets.
        Simply, if you exit a warm building and step out into the cool night air, if there is a stiff breeze, do you turn into it to face it, or do you turn away from it and walk with your back to the wind? The direction that she chose could have a quite innocent and practical explanation.

        Regards, Jon S.
        Regards, Jon S.


        • #19
          Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
          Hello Jon.

          "Maybe, she took shelter in doorways from the rain as she meandered along."

          But the rain had ended at 11.30.

          It rained until 1:30 am Lynn

          Regards, Jon S.
          Regards, Jon S.


          • #20
            over by 11.30

            Hello Jon. Thanks.

            You may wish to have another go at Marshall. (Evans and Skinner, p. 165)



            • #21
              Lawende knows...

              Why did Lawende stay in the club?

              Regards, Jon S.
              Regards, Jon S.


              • #22

                Hello Jon. Thanks.

                Well, he certainly THOUGHT it was raining. But Marshall was outside, he should know. Lawende and his mates were inside.



                • #23
                  Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
                  Hello Jon. Thanks.

                  Well, he certainly THOUGHT it was raining. But Marshall was outside, he should know. Lawende and his mates were inside.

                  You crack me up sometimes Lynn, in the most pleasant way of course.

                  Have you not ever stood on one side of the street while it rained on the other side?

                  Regards, Jon S.
                  Regards, Jon S.


                  • #24
                    steady rain

                    Hello Jon. Thanks.

                    "Have you not ever stood on one side of the street while it rained on the other side?"

                    I have indeed. That phenomenon is associated with summer weather and the sudden downpour. Not likely with a steady autumnal rain--wide area coverage.



                    • #25
                      While it ceased to rain in Berner St. it continued to rain until 1:30 am in Aldgate.
                      People generally know why they are staying inside out of the rain. I'm sure you are among the few who can tell when you need to stay inside because its raining outside.
                      Or are you saying we would need glass walls to do that?

                      (oh boy!)
                      Regards, Jon S.
                      Regards, Jon S.


                      • #26

                        Hello Jon. Thanks.

                        You force me to advert to the big guns. Look at PC Smith, (Evans and Skinner, p. 167).

                        Raining in Aldgate for two hours more that Berner st? See, and I was given to understand that they were so CLOSE. Isn't that why there MUST have been a double event? (heh-heh)



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by lynn cates View Post

                          I have indeed. That phenomenon is associated with summer weather and the sudden downpour. Not likely with a steady autumnal rain--wide area coverage.

                          Well Lynn, its October here and we are putting up with intermittent showers. It rains downtown but not uptown. It showers over the road but not a 1/2 mile away. This is normal weather for the fall (Autumn) when you have warm air & cold air colliding, perfectly normal.

                          Tell me, if you are wanting to go home and its raining outside, how often do you check if it is still raining? do you look out the windows, look out the doors? - what would you do?
                          Would you need to stand outside all night until it stops, to know when it stopped?

                          (How far do we need to st(rain) this argument?)

                          Regards, Jon S.
                          Regards, Jon S.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Phil H View Post
                            so where did the money come from? Who bought the drinks and why?

                            A question that has puzzled me for years - and I have no answers.

                            I have a nagging feeling that if only we could solve some of these seemingly mundane questions/enigmas, we might achieve a break-through.

                            Was Stride on a date? Where did Polly get her bonnet? What happened to Chapman's rings? Was Kelly seen by Maxwell?

                            Phil H
                            I've said it before and I'll say it again.

                            For Eddowes pre 8.30pm arrest see Coles before her murder.



                            Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.



                            • #29
                              Tea and sugar

                              In Sarah Wise book The Blackest Streets, she mentions a woman call "Lisa" who lived in Turville street Bethnal Green, just opposite the Old Nichol slums.
                              A Cornish woman, Lisa was also a fence and was known to give credit to those who were in the need.
                              Nothing to do with Cate, but I was envisaging that to avoid the "hiding" she was expecting, she might have gone to another "Lisa" somewhere near Mitre Sq, got some tea and sugar to take home and possibly placate with it. She could have got both if her credit was good. On her way home she runs into Jack?
                              What I would love to know is why she wasn't seen with Jack by any coppers, who seemed to be all over the Square half the night?


                              • #30
                                Is that a reasonable question Miakaal?

                                The question should be, why wasnt she noted?

                                The answer is obvious.



                                Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.


