Hi Perry,
By saying 'this was also a double event' I merely meant the Bowman case featured a double event in addition to the features I already mentioned about it in my preceding paragraph. I wasn't saying 'this was a double event like Jack the Ripper's'. Although I believe Jack probably did commit both crimes, as Sally's killer did, I am not so far gone yet that I would state it as fact.
Having said that, I did actually edit my post before seeing yours, because of another possible parallel if our Jacky Boy did the deed in Dutfield's Yard:
He immediately began looking for another opportunity and found it as Sally got out of her former boyfriend's car (it had been parked and they had been arguing in it for over an hour - for those who think Kidney killed Stride, or that the ripper could not have killed her in the wake of her encounter with BS) and began walking the few yards to her front door.
By saying 'this was also a double event' I merely meant the Bowman case featured a double event in addition to the features I already mentioned about it in my preceding paragraph. I wasn't saying 'this was a double event like Jack the Ripper's'. Although I believe Jack probably did commit both crimes, as Sally's killer did, I am not so far gone yet that I would state it as fact.

Having said that, I did actually edit my post before seeing yours, because of another possible parallel if our Jacky Boy did the deed in Dutfield's Yard:
He immediately began looking for another opportunity and found it as Sally got out of her former boyfriend's car (it had been parked and they had been arguing in it for over an hour - for those who think Kidney killed Stride, or that the ripper could not have killed her in the wake of her encounter with BS) and began walking the few yards to her front door.