Originally posted by Stewart P Evans
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In an earlier post you said you were going to withdraw for this you should have taken your own advice the more you reply the deeper the hole is that you dig for yourself.
1. there is not one scrap of evidence to show Tumblety was ever arrested or spoken to in connection with the murders. His interview again that you seek to rely on is hardly strong evidence and the issues surrounding his motives for saying what he said have been well documented and discussed.
You again like others on here when faced with your back to the wall you resort to ridicule etc etc trying to take the sting out of the main subject.
2. Police bail to which you refer was not bailing a person or suspect to come back to a police station at a date and time in the future whilst further enquiries had taken place. There was nothing in place for the police to do that.
Police bail was bailing a person who had been charged to the next available court.
3.Tumbley was arrested on Nov 7th after a lengthy police investigation into him for his indecency offences. That arrest would have been on a warrant.
As stated it would appear they had him under surveillance and if that be the case would have likely as not know where he was on the dates of the murders. Aug 31st is a prime example of that which i have previously mentioned which you have chosen to ignore.
Having been arrested on Nov 7th and charged. The police would have to have made a decision as to what to do with him with regards to the indecency offences.
That decision would have either to have bailed him to the next available court or remand him in custody. They took the latter as would the police today having regard for the fact that Tumblety was at high risk for absconding.
he was not a UK citizen
he did not have a fixed address in the UK
the offences were such that on conviction he would have received a lengthy tern of imprisonment
likely to interfere with witnesses
likely to commit other offences.
4. He appeared at court on Nov 8th and was remanded for 7 days. At that time he was not in a position to furnish suitable sureties to put before the court to ask them to consider bail, That process took him 7 days to set up hence the granting of bail on Nov 15th with sureties.
5. Now during his incarceration the police would have had ample time to carry out any enquries you suggest with regards to the murders. In fact if they were sure then I am sure that they would have opposed bail full stop.
6. This arrest and interview with regards to the murders doesn't sit well i refer to the police code and refer you to Lord Brampton address to police officers
"No questions should be put to a person after he has been arrested, or indeed after it has been decided to arrest him, except such as may be necessary to ascertain whether he is the person wanted"
As to Littlechild who you seek to rely on he couldn't even get the facts right in this letter. So how credible is he especially as you suggest Tumblety was on their radar.
All you rely on in the opinion of an ageing police officer in later years, and one single opinion is not enough to equate to Tumblety being a prime suspect or any other category of suspect.
As far as Tumblety is concerned you have misled people with all this rubbish about police bail and him being arrested etc etc.
Please give my regards to Gideon Fell when you see him.
Now I hear people asking who Gideon Fell is. Well Gideon fell is someone you invented was he not? A name you registered with casebook, and someone you started to exchange messages with on here with regards to propping up your Tumblety theory.
And you have the cheek to say I have weird ideas.
At least my ideas stand up to close scrutiny and cannot be totally dismissed where as your Tumblety theory is now firmly dead in the water.
I may not be able to write as eloquently as you, or being able to punctuate like you do. But I have other qualities which you will never have.