The physical description we have of Tumblety, see Beggs and Sugden, suggests he is for the time a large and striking individual that would have stood out quite a bit in Whitechapel in 1888, or at the very least been noticed and recalled by witnesses.
None of the eyewitness accounts, sketchy as they are, describe someone anything like Tumblety. I also don't feel he could have committed these crimes and slipped away without being seen, nor scouted the areas before the crimes and not been noticed. Someone would have remembered seeing him in the vicinity and we would have a less generic description of the killer.
None of the eyewitness accounts, sketchy as they are, describe someone anything like Tumblety. I also don't feel he could have committed these crimes and slipped away without being seen, nor scouted the areas before the crimes and not been noticed. Someone would have remembered seeing him in the vicinity and we would have a less generic description of the killer.