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Sickert Was Ripper

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  • #76
    Originally posted by BillyE View Post
    He acheived this by using florescent make-up.
    Possibly, but I don't think so. I think it was normal makeup, just either lit by lights mostly downward or mostly upward for the different effects.

    Originally posted by BillyE View Post
    but the lasting affect was the show was canceled so as to not inspire the Ripper to kill again
    It was canceled because it was losing money.

    Originally posted by BillyE View Post
    Without him there's be no Ripper fiction, which was the lynchpin of true Ripper research.
    And surely that couldn't mean what it looks like it says... Sickert did not invent Ripper fiction, and true research can dispense with the fiction entirely.

    Dan Norder
    Ripper Notes: The International Journal for Ripper Studies
    Web site: - Email:


    • #77
      I remember seeing a documentary which both orally, and visually demonstrated how Mansfield achieved his transformation, and they did say it was with flourescent make-up. They showed an actor using the make-up, in normal lighting, and he looked normal. When he stepped into the flourescent lighting it had a dramatic affect on his face. It was rather unsettleing, even by today's standards, and I can just imagine what it would have been like in 1888.

      Every book I've read that mentions the Jeckle/Hyde play said the play, while it might have been losing money, was shut down at the request of the police, or just a decision made by the Lyceum management staff to keep from inspiring the Ripper. It was initially a smash, playing to packed houses, because people wanted to see the macabre transformation.

      I'm not saying Sickert was responsible for Ripperology, just that he's partly responsible. Other than newspaper articles the only thing written about the Ripper was Marie Belloc Loundes' book "The Lodger" based on Sickert's veterinary student/lodger story he would tell at dinner parties. Ripperology would have to wait another 17 years for a "factually based" Ripper book: the barely factual "The Secret Identity of Jack the Ripper" by Leonard Matters.

      That was all I was saying.
      "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." Winston Churchill


      • #78
        Hey Billy E.,

        How the special effects make up in the play were done was a closely guarded secret, and, while people have theories, I don't know that anyone knows for sure. It could be as you say.

        I don't disagree that a lot of books have claimed that the play was shut down out of fears that it was influencing the crimes in some way, just that some recent research provided evidence that it was primarily a financial concern.

        Jekyll and Hyde Dramatized by Martin A. Danahay and Alexander Chisholm is a 2004 book on this play and the Ripper links, including how the London play was losing money and was shut down (it also talks a little about the make up). Alan Sharp's "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Saucy Jacky" (available on the Casebook for free) from the Sept. 2004 issue of Ripperologist also examined the financial situation.

        Point taken on the fiction aspect.

        Best wishes,

        Dan Norder
        Ripper Notes: The International Journal for Ripper Studies
        Web site: - Email:


        • #79
          I know that during the production of Jack the Ripper, the Michael Caine mini series Armand Assante, who played Mansfield had a special make up applied, the make up would dissolve under the studio lights and be filmed doing so.
          The film was then run backwards to make it look like the face was transforming into the beast.

          It is quite a common trick but I would love to know how they did it on stage in theatre land.
          Regards Mike


          • #80
            I think it's important to point out that in the book 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' no women are killed. The idea that the play could have inspired the murders, or prompted the murders to continue, or that an actor playing the part could be driven to murdering women because of the Hyde character is flawed.

            However, the play did alarm people because of the transformation from one character to quite another. This transformation fuelled the idea that the killer must in some way have two personalities, one completely normal, and the other beast-like. It was a model by which people could comprehend the murders.


            • #81
              Originally posted by Limehouse View Post
              This transformation fuelled the idea that the killer must in some way have two personalities, one completely normal, and the other beast-like. It was a model by which people could comprehend the murders.
              I think the mere fact that it was playing in the area during the Ripper run was all the suggestion many people needed to insinuate the duality of the murderer, investigators included.

              Ive never been so sure it wasn't a guy much like Pizer myself....a miserable, weird, dangerous kook in slippers. I dont know that Jack needed to be acceptable in other walks of his life, maybe he just didnt have enough people in his life to notice the trends and patterns.

              My best regards.


              • #82
                On Youtube there's the transformation scenes from the 1932 movie:

                dr jekyll and mr hyde 1932 transfomations

                And also an erotic (for the time) scene from the same film:

                dr jekyll and mr hyde 1932 dr jekylls fee


                • #83
                  Here are a couple of links

                  1930 Transformations
                  Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                  Panto Transformation

                  1920 part 1

                  1920 part 2

                  1920 part 3

                  1920 part 4

                  1920 part 5

                  1920 part 6

                  1920 part 7

                  1920 part 8

                  1920 part 9
                  Regards Mike


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Mike Covell View Post
                    Hi HollyDolly,

                    Have you seen Michael Caine in the Jack the Ripper TV series, which is now available on DVD?

                    Mansfield has a large role in the production and it's worth watching.
                    It was a great series. It's attempt to make Gull a Ripper based on a brain hemorrhage when he would've been 70 at the time of the killings makes no sense (he'd make a great candidate for Jack the Dribbler though).
                    Last edited by denn034; 03-26-2008, 11:45 PM. Reason: Add smiley.


                    • #85
                      ..And by the time From Hell was made you would have thought that they would have learnt their lessons, but no!!!
                      Regards Mike


                      • #86
                        Another Approach

                        Most crimes have the solution apparent within it. Let's see if that's the case with the Ripper crimes or not. The Ripper's victims were ugly and fat older women and much younger and prettier women so, we can conclude that the murderer had issues with those types of women. Sickert had issues with women of both categories! The Ripper was variously described as black and blonde haired so, he had to have had access to hair dyes. Sickert, being a former actor, had access and knew how to use them. The Ripper must've known the area and police routes sufficiently to avoid the police that only a local resident or repeat visitor to the area would've known. Sickert frequently walked through the area late at night. The Ripper removed a kidney and a uterus. Sickert took an anatomy class in college and would've known sufficient to do that. The Ripper displayed strength and was ambidextrous. Sickert, being an artist, could've easily trained himself to use both hands equally and was physically strong. The Ripper drew on his letters, used stationary, and could afford stamps. Sickert was an artist that did do drawings of women being murdered, had the exact stationary the Ripper used, and could afford stamps. The Ripper may've known his victims. Sickert routinely hired whores as nudes. Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that Sickert must've been the Ripper or must be considered a strong Ripper suspect at the very least because, no other suspect can say all of that!
                        Last edited by denn034; 08-05-2008, 11:33 PM.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by denn034 View Post
                          The Ripper must've known the area and police routes sufficiently to avoid the police that only a local resident or repeat visitor to the area would've known.
                          No he didn't.

                          1. All the murder sites are near main roads - they show no particular knowledge of the area.

                          2. A prostitute taking a client for sex would have known the police beats thoroughly. She would have taken the client to a place for sex where she new they would be left alone sufficiently long to have it. Unfortunately that means that the killer would be left alone sufficiently long to kill too.



                          • #88

                            I don`t think the Ripper must have known the area. There are two mainroads – and I don`t think the Ripper decided where to murder his victims. He just went with the women, for they would lead him to a dark place by themselves.
                            I totally agree with Paula.

                            Furthermore we have no situation of the Ripper being chased (only maybe disturbed, but not chased), so why do we think he knew Whitechapel? I don`t see any good reason for this…

                            And just take a look at Mitre Square and PC Harvey – it some kind of miracle the Ripper was not seen by him. Would a murder have committed this crime if he knew about the beats of the police? I think: No, he would not.

                            It was the Unfortunates decision. The Ripper just went with them.

                            Kind regards, Damien.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Paula Thomas View Post
                              1. All the murder sites are near main roads - they show no particular knowledge of the area.
                              I don't agree with that at all. The fact that the murder sites lay near the main roads doesn't in any way make it easier for someone who doesn't belong in the area. In my own experience from the area, it is also the main roads that are the most confusing and can be confusing in their directions.
                              Fact remains that the Ripper managed to escape unseen and uncaught after each murder and that alone indicates to me that some sort of local knowledge would have been sufficient.

                              Take a look at the Buck's Row example.
                              After the murder the killer most likely rounded the Board school (unless he went through Barber's Slaughter Yard) and then took off through the small thoroughfare Wood's Buildings in order to make his escape.
                              I would find that to be quite a bit of luck for someone not knowing the area, not only to know about Wood's Buildings but also to know that it led out to Whitechapel Road.

                              Originally posted by Paula Thomas View Post
                              2. A prostitute taking a client for sex would have known the police beats thoroughly. She would have taken the client to a place for sex where she new they would be left alone sufficiently long to have it.
                              Now, THAT I certainly agree with.
                              No doubt the prostitutes had favourite spots and also knew the police beats rather well - I would expect the latter to be a part of their trade.
                              Then again, I would assume most local people would have had a good, general idea of the police beats and quite many residents probably knew the patroling policeman along his route.

                              All the best
                              Last edited by Glenn Lauritz Andersson; 08-08-2008, 10:37 AM.
                              The Swedes are the Men that Will not Be Blamed for Nothing


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Damien View Post
                                And just take a look at Mitre Square and PC Harvey – it some kind of miracle the Ripper was not seen by him. Would a murder have committed this crime if he knew about the beats of the police? I think: No, he would not.
                                Can't say I understand your take on this, Damien.
                                On the contrary, the fact that he managed to perform his crime in the middle of two police beats actually indicates the opposite - that he actually might have known the police beats himself, or at least how long time elapsed between them.

                                All the best
                                The Swedes are the Men that Will not Be Blamed for Nothing

