One only has to see the various descriptions of the Ripper to see that he could only have been a hairdresser or actor with access to hair dyes to make him look dark and fair haired. One only has to see the words "Mr. Nobody" on a Ripper telegram to know that Sickert, who's screen name was "Mr. Nobody" during his acting days, must've written one or more of the Ripper letters. Being an actor with quick change, make-up, and hair dying experience would've made it possible for him to be both dark and fair haired. Sickert's focus on hurting women in his drawings and paintings is icing on the cake. All of that combined can only mean that Sickert, the only Ripper suspect that was nicknamed "Mr. Nobody" with the necessary hair dying skills, was Jack the Ripper. One fails to see how it could be otherwise!
