Originally posted by Dane_F
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Dane, don't sit on the fence, mate - tell me exactly what you're thinking.

Seriously, don't give it another thought - you think X is preposterous and I think X is possible. Nothing to lose sleep over. In reality, I can take more vitriol than any man alive - I was just trying to be nice is all.

Personally, I am comfortable that James Maybrick was Jack the Ripper. I happen to feel that a fair explanation of the GSG was that he was titillating himself by inserting his family into the crime scene on Sep 30. I happened to notice that the official Met Police transcription of the GSG yielded those names. I observed the statistical implausibility of that being the case whether it were true or not, and finally added that the hand of the GSG is evidenced in the journal. All I can use is the evidence that has passed down the years.
Here is the actual report itself (the one Warren attached to his Nov 6 1888 letter to the Home Office).
Someone more knowledgeable than I (shouldn't be difficult to find) will confirm for us if there is independent evidence supporting this being a felicitous transcription, but for now I think we can confidently say that this is the official version of the GSG, whether it was transcribed accurately or not.
PS Obviously the real issue here is why on earth this attachment has loaded properly when the other didn't.
