Originally posted by jdpegg
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Can you at least see now why it is thoroughly uncalled for and entirely false to imply that Albert does not want the watch tested, considering that he paid to have it tested within weeks of the scratches coming to light, and that by selling it, he is willingly giving prospective buyers total control over whether it gets tested again in the future?
If he had never allowed anyone to examine the thing at all, and was refusing to ever let it out of his hands (and claiming the scratches date back to 1888, which he never has claimed) you would have had an argument. As it is, it merely points to what passes for reasoning in these parts, and it does the modern hoax believers no favours at all.
Talking of which....
Originally posted by Omlor
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If you can't see how your first statement - if taken at face value by any testing organisation in the known universe - impacts on the 'should' part of your second, then I can understand why you are doomed to be disappointed by the people around you.
Fortunately, I trust that there is still just enough sense left in the world that some reputable testing organisation can still be found one day soon, who will see your daily "clear and obvious hoaxes" rant on an internet message board for what it is, and won't therefore judge it a criminal waste of anyone's precious resources to use the latest technology, just to try and ascertain for you when your 'clear and obvious hoaxes' were created.
"This ham sandwich, with Shakespeare's teeth marks in it is a clear and obvious hoax.
It should be thoroughly tested using the latest technologies so that we might find out through science whatever we can about when this hoax was made."
This is the equivalent of your position, right?
Daft much?