But you have posted to it in my specific direction so I would hate to be seen as an unfriendly sort. What - I think - is required is a new pro-Maybrick thread with a really clever name that captures our dear readers' attention for fifteen years or so. But I can't think of a suitable title! Can any of my dear readers help, I wonder?
I see old Algernon Orsam has given up the ghost and formally retired from all future escapades never to be heard of again so he won't be making any (suitable) suggestions, I suspect. I will miss his Spandau Ballet-themed wit and wisdom. 'This much is fa-hake, this much is fa-hake', et cetera. Okay, I know he'll read this so I'm just winding him up. He's not retired at all. He has just resigned from everything ...
Originally posted by rjpalmer
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I thought of you the other night, Ike. Don't be alarmed; let me explain.
The political landscape on this side of the pond is so bleak among us left-of-center types that I am determined to permanently escape reality and devote the next four years to wholesome, family-oriented stories and films that will, with luck, soften my brain and lead to sentimental, addle-headed happiness while Western Civilization collapses.
The first movie I came across was called 'The Rag Nymph.'
To my dismay, the opening credits alerted me to the fact that the story would take place in Newcastle in the 1850s. And what a dirty town it was.
Perhaps you are familiar with 'The Rag Nymph'; I wasn't.
Here, I thought, was a heart-warming tale of an orphan taken-in by a rag-and-bone woman. It would be mildly akin to Anne of Green Gables or Pollyanna--or your favorite, Annie.
Alas, it soon became apparent that the story dealt with child sex trafficking.
Here, I thought, was a heart-warming tale of an orphan taken-in by a rag-and-bone woman. It would be mildly akin to Anne of Green Gables or Pollyanna--or your favorite, Annie.
Alas, it soon became apparent that the story dealt with child sex trafficking.
By the way, my favourite song from Annie is 'Tomorrow'. Check out Sydnie [sic] Christmas' [sic] recent version on Britain's Got Talent - that girl's got some lungs on her, I can tell you. And some tonsils, I assume.
Which, by an association of thoughts, brought me back to our current political landscape on this side of the pond.
And then other stay thoughts started to pop up; Newcastle Brown Ale and Sandro Tonali faking an injury against Man City, and finally it led to our old friend Ike, the Maybrick guru (my knowledge of Newcastle is woefully limited).
By the way, old fruit, I have four books in front of me as I type - all by that much-lauded hoax-buster (pah!) Melvin Harris. Let no-one say that the now rather poorly-named Society's Pillar 2025 (due out in about 2030) will not be a balanced affair!
Unlike the game against Wet Spam on Monday evening (fortunately, I had screwed a hole into a gas pipe - no joke - and was therefore rather distracted from the action) ...
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