Originally posted by John G
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Nichols had her neck severed down to the bone, opening up each and every major vessel in the neck. And she had her abdomen ripped open by a very deep cut, plus a number of other cuts too that would have drawn blood.
In the Nichols case, there was never any possibility of a vessel contraction - or so Jason Payne-James tells me; she had the inner carotids cut off, and when you do, the blood will flow out freely. Payne-James said that going by the kind of wounds she had, and taking into account that she may have been dead when the neck was opened up, she would bleed out totally in a few minutes. He also said that three or five minutes were reasonable suggestions, while seven minutes was stretching things - although he took care to point out that each case is individual.
I donīt know if the inner carotid was severed in MacKenzies case, but even if it was, one must take into account that she had only a fraction of the vessels cut open, whereas Nichols had ALL her vessels opened up. Make a hole in a plastic bottle, make two in another, and see which one leaks out the fastest, John. And the difference was larger than that in these cases.
As for an alternative killer being a possibility, that remains so. But given Payne-Jamesī words, he becomes a less credible suggestion - and one that nobody ever saw or heard.
It was therefore PROBABLY Lechmere who dunīit - but it MAY only just have been somebody else.
PS. Jerry Dunlop makes an interesting case for Andrews being the killer of MacKenzie, based on the bloodflow and timings. Maybe you have read it?