Originally posted by David Orsam
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The point I was trying to make was it doesn't matter what time Cross says he left work.
It matters what time Paul left work.
Why? because Paul found Cross with the body.
That's important because if Paul didn't see Cross enter Bucks Row, or even hear him walking or saw him on his way to work then Cross was further ahead of Paul then anyone thought.
And you're absolutely right that the murder could have happened a few minutes before Cross appeared, but based on the physical evidence of Nichols body it appears to have happened closer to when Paul was approaching Buck's Row.
Complete conjecture, I have no proof.
I do think it wouldn't take more than 1 or two minutes to kill Nichols so even if Paul was 3 minutes behind Cross that's plenty of time.
A good parallel to consider is that Jack Ruby walked into the Dallas Police garage about 20 seconds before Lee Harvey Oswald came out the door. Oswald was supposed to be gone an hour earlier. Ruby didn't know that. It was a happenstance of history. This could be the case here.
I used 3:45a as Neil's time for finding the body but I concede it's probably off either way by a few minutes. Either way that doesn't matter because Cross and Paul were gone.
Thoughts? Opinions?