Originally posted by Geddy2112
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All I've done to the 3D architecture is add 3 people (Paul, Cross & Nichols) at the moment when (in my estimation) Cross would probably have realised he was looking at a person, not a tarp, plus some brick & cobblestone textures and a few other minor details and suggestions to 'bring it alive' a bit, hopefully without having a negative effect on the scene's authenticity. Additionally, I've 'burned' a few areas, to create a more realistic sense of the darkness that probably engulfed the people in that space at that time.
My only regret is that I think I may have positioned the single gas street lamp too far down Bucks Row. After I'd posted the image I saw the OS map that shows the solitary illuminated lamp as being a bit further away from the Brady St junction. It won't have improved the visibility of poor Mrs Nichols' body.