Originally posted by The Baron
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Again just claiming that according to Lechmere’s and Paul’s timing there is a gap, isn’t answering my questions. It’s just taking the hour that they mentioned – 3:20 or 3:30 and 3:45 – at face value and saying there’s a gap between them (after having subtracted Lechmere’s travel time from it). But 3:30 might just as well have been 3:33 and the Paul’s clock may very well have off 5 minutes, meaning that he, compared to Lechmere’s clock, left his house just before 3:40. If so, then there was no gap to speak of. Only in 'if-world' a gap may exist, but in reality we don't & can't know for the reasons I've already given.
but you don't have to believe it, and no conviction can be built upon it, equally you cannot throw this remark out of the window either, this is a concept that supports their theory, and it is a fair one at that, I'll give them that.