Originally posted by FrankO
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The fact that he heard nothing, a policeman nearby at the railway heard nothing, local residents awake at the time heard nothing, and the general consensus was that it was a quiet night is, I think, a very important point. A woman was murdered in a quiet street, people should have heard something and are adadmant that they didn't. This is why, on every Lechmere thread I stress this and then point out that Harriet Lilley explains this by telling of the muffled whispers and groans when a goods train passed by. This is the only logical explanation of why nobody else heard anything, and it sets the murder at 3. 30 am, when Lechmere says he was just leaving his house. It makes no sense that he started off ten minutes earlier, murdered Nichols at 3. 30 am, and was still standing there at about 3. 40 am when Paul arrived.
There is no evidence that Lechmere did anything wrong, and there is clear evidence that he appears to be innocent.