Originally posted by Abby Normal
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He fancied that he felt a slight movement.”
So I typed in ‘fancied that he heard’ because ‘fancied that he felt’ didn’t work, to find a definition, same gist in terms of meaning. Not that I needed to check online though Abby because we all understand the language. It means:
“someone believed something without evidence or certainty.”
How can any weight be placed on this when Paul himself very clearly wasn’t certain?
I’m no doctor but, Cross kills Nichols. There’s bruising on her jaw introducing the possibility that she’d been strangled which is commonly assumed in these murders. There is a 4” and an 8” gash in her through with the second cut down to her vertebra. Then we have the abdominal cuts but because a completely non-medically trained cart driver ‘fancied’ that he ‘might’ have felt movement we have to believe that she was still alive?!
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