Originally posted by John Wheat
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That he didn’t flee when he had the chance is proof of his innocence. Would a guilty man have stood around. Absolutely not. Cross falls on that point alone. That should be conceded as game over.
Throughout the entire history of crime we haven’t found one single example, not one, of a serial killer stopping off 20 minutes before being due to clock in at work. So we are being asked to believe that he was entirely unique in the annals of crime. Yeah right.
Throughout the entire history of crime we haven’t found a single example, not one, of the person finding a serial killers victims outdoors turning out to have been the killer. So we are being asked to believe that he was entirely unique in the annals of crime. Yeah right.
So not just one, Cross is unique in the annals of crime in two ways. Could he really be less likely?
And we could ask, how many serial killers can we name who murdered a victim at a location and at time that he would have expected to have been at 6 days a week? I’d say again…none. How vanishingly rare does this man have to be before it’s conceded that it’s way, way, way past unlikely?
Added to this - no violence, no insanity, no interest by the police, no issue with women, no connection to prostitutes, no anatomical knowledge, no history of carrying a knife and still around after the murders ceased. And he seems like a killer because….?
And of course we know that Cross would have had to have killed Chapman by jumping off his cart during work hours and leaving a cart marked ‘Pickford’s’ full of meat in the street in an area where most people didn’t know where the next meal was coming from. And at a time when employers were hardly likely to take a sympathetic outlook on missing stock due to an employee disappearing.
He walked to work at his usual time. Found a body just as every body is found by someone. He doesn’t scarper like a guilty man. They go for a Constable. He turns up at the inquest. And there’s nothing suspicious in his background.
And he’s guilty because…..he was there.

Time to move the discussion away from this distraction.
