Originally posted by harry
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I didn´t say that Nichgols was decaptitated - but just like decapitated people, she had all the major vessels in her neck severed. so bleedingwise, it will be the same thing.
I didn´t say that I do not trust you, I said that you probably got things wrong in this errand - and that can happen to anybody.
I have looked into your post, and it seems that this is what you apparently aimed at:
"Normal clotting time for blood is 3 - 15 minutes, but clotting time is extremely individual and can be affected by certain diseases such as hemophilia and some leukemia?s and various medications including blood thinners."
So this is all about clotting time, and not about bleeding time, and it therefore is unrelated to Jason Payne-James estimation that the body of Nichols would have bled out in a few minutes only, more likely three to five than seven minutes. We are discussing how long it takes for the blood to leave the body, not how long it takes for it to clot. Well, I am, at least.
The site you are using is in it´s turn sourcing:
The Forensic Science of CSI Katherine Ramsland 2001 Berkely Publishing Group
Forensics for Dummies D.P. Lyle MD 2004 Wiley Publishing
To what extent these books are reliable, I don´t know. "Forensics for Dummies" is not the most awe-inspiring of titles, if I may say so. To what extent they are quoted in a correct manner, I don´t know. Nobody is taking responbsibility for the quoting by namning him- or herself. But if we are to choose between two sources, I would choose Jason Payne-James, who commented directly on the case of Polly Nichols, over an Internet site called "Angelfire" all days in the week. First and foremost, I would not bring up the topic of coagulation in a discussion of bleeding times, mostly since the blood will not start to coagulate until it leaves the body.
Thanks for the link, it helped to straighten things out.
PS.Normal clotting time for blood is certainly not three minutes - it takes three to four minutes before the clotting begins to show visibly. But that is another matter.