John Wheat: Well others have stated there was much more than half a minute between the assailant leaving and Lechmere finding the body.
Yes, Trevor Marriott has said that she could have been dead for half an hour. With such advisors, you can take the case anywhere you want.
I don't put much trust in your supposed experts.
Then you are at odds with the rest of the medical world.
And certainly not that you are reporting what they said truthfully. Others have suggested that you have been economical with the truth as regards supposed expert testimonies in the past and I'm inclined to agree with them considering how you bend and mishape truths all the time where Lechmere is concerned.
Then why do you over and over again argue against me? There is no such need if I am a habitual liar, is there.
My own stance is that you have nowhere else to go but to call me a liar - for if what I say is true, then Lechmere was the killer.
You have shown your own shortcomings very clearly. Bellsmith the torso man - ha! And when you are shown that he was not in London in 1887, you say that he may have been even if it is not on record...!
That is how you do your homework. And from that pedestal of utter shame, you call ME economic with the truth! Amazing!
And before you laid out a trap for yourself on Bellsmith, you told me to do proper research - and then you are caught, pants down, with NOT having done that proper research yourself!
I could say more. Lots more. But in all honesty: Why would I?
Faretheewell, John Wheat. Say hello to Pierre from me - you are in the same boat now when it comes to me. He may well ask you if you have any data for Bellsmith being in London in 1887, but I´m sure you can dodge that. Bye now!
Yes, Trevor Marriott has said that she could have been dead for half an hour. With such advisors, you can take the case anywhere you want.
I don't put much trust in your supposed experts.
Then you are at odds with the rest of the medical world.
And certainly not that you are reporting what they said truthfully. Others have suggested that you have been economical with the truth as regards supposed expert testimonies in the past and I'm inclined to agree with them considering how you bend and mishape truths all the time where Lechmere is concerned.
Then why do you over and over again argue against me? There is no such need if I am a habitual liar, is there.
My own stance is that you have nowhere else to go but to call me a liar - for if what I say is true, then Lechmere was the killer.
You have shown your own shortcomings very clearly. Bellsmith the torso man - ha! And when you are shown that he was not in London in 1887, you say that he may have been even if it is not on record...!

That is how you do your homework. And from that pedestal of utter shame, you call ME economic with the truth! Amazing!
And before you laid out a trap for yourself on Bellsmith, you told me to do proper research - and then you are caught, pants down, with NOT having done that proper research yourself!
I could say more. Lots more. But in all honesty: Why would I?
Faretheewell, John Wheat. Say hello to Pierre from me - you are in the same boat now when it comes to me. He may well ask you if you have any data for Bellsmith being in London in 1887, but I´m sure you can dodge that. Bye now!