Originally posted by Abby Normal
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It is all "he was mad, just like the Ripper", "he hated prostitutes, just like the Ripper", "he was a butcher, just like the Ripper" and so on, in eternity. And I can't help asking myself why being mad, hating prostitutes and being a butcher would be better evidence of guilt than being found all alone with a freshly killed Ripper victim, with having hidden your registered name from an inquest, with having disagreed with a serving PC about what was said and done on the murder morning.
We have one (1) suspect where there is an overwhelming array of circumstantial evidence and who is proven to have been present at one of the murder sites with no alibi, and then we have 300 others who "tick boxes". Chosen boxes. Imagined boxes. Fantasy stuff.
Time. It is all about time. When we first presented our theory in St Johns Church in Bethnal Green, Lechmere would not make the top fifty list of suspects. Today, he wins polls or comes second. That tells a story that is obviously extremely unpalatable to some, but that was always to be expected. The important thing is that it is moving in the right direction.
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