Originally posted by Tom_Wescott
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1) Narrator - killer caught red handed - Cross leaning over body
2) Video - Cross over body Robert Paul on South side of Street
3) Narrator - no immediate escapes routes (there were at least nine) - remember Cross and Paul 'escaped' Bucks Row minutes later.
4) Narrator – Just 15 mins before Polly Nicholls was killed a Policeman passes through on his regular beat. [Animation clearly shows 3:15am: All is quiet] - basic maths Polly was killed at 3:30, but Cross left home about then so the show is giving Cross an alibi.
5) Holmgren – He [Cross] left home AT 3:30am (This is just and out and out fib.)
6) Then we have the picture showing Neil finding the body before Cross and Paul.
7) Narrator – A man named Robert Paul claimed to have found the body before the Police and when he did there was another man standing over it. (Again another lie)
8) Holmgren – For a person who FOUND a body to just disappear then reappear on the second day of the inquest. (Holmgren wants us to believe he was FOUND WITH the body, nit-picking I know but it's important according to Holmgren.)
9) Narrator – It unlocked a MASS OF INCRIMINATING evidence which convinced him (Holmgren) the reluctant witness [Cross] was Jack The Ripper.
10) Narrator – “…found standing over the body.”
11) Holmgren - Left home AT 3:30am
12) Walking of the route - can't be the same as 1888, route Holmgren took is unknown. So they are taking three unknowns, Cross' leaving time, exact route and walking speed to equal a fact of then he got to Bucks Row.
13) Narrator – “When Robert Paul entered Bucks Row he didn’t see Charles Lechmere for a full minute. If Lechmere had been crouching in the shadows, that would not be surprising.” - earlier in the video he said Paul saw Cross as soon as he entered Bucks Row.
14) Narrator - “Holmgren believes he did all he could to hide Nichol’s injuries.” - the testimonies suggest the wounds were not covered up, Paul stated he pulled them down.
15) Narrator – “and [Lechmere] was only seen by Robert Paul when he stepped back from the body.” - so that is now three different times 'Paul FIRST spotted Cross.' Plus another lie he say him in the middle of the road.
16) Narrator – “Why would Lechmere refuse to move Nichol’s body?” - video has gone with the biased version of events, it's 50-50 who refused.
17) Narrator – “He (Paul) could see beyond Lechmere when he came into the street.” - yet another version of when Paul could or could not see Cross.
18) Narrator – “But there were five other murders and Charles Allen Lechmere could be linked to every single one of them.” - nope that's an outright lie.
19) Narrator – “The coroner said she was killed (Tabram) between 2:30am and 3:30am a time when Lechmere should have been passing nearby on his way to work.” - How does the narrator know when Cross left home, his routes or walking speed. Remember Holmgren states he left home AT 3:30am.
20) 21) Narrator – “With the third victim, Annie Chapman the pattern continues.” - The video at this point shows Annie Chapman was killed between 4:30am and 5:30am. Narrator – “He (Lechmere) started his shift at 4am working Monday to Saturday.” ALIBI alert!!!
22) The video then contradicts itself by showing a still of Annie Chapman murdered between 4:40am and 6:30am
23) Narrator – “The medical examiner says she (Chapman) will have been killed close to 4:00am, again Lechmere would have been passing by the murder site within minutes of her death.” - again how can Cross be in two places at the same time. Again how does the narrator know his routes to work, his leaving home time and walking speed?#
24) Narrator – “Elizabeth Stride had her throat cut around midnight.”
Then the video explains he, the killer was disturbed. Stride's body was discovered at approximately 1:00am on Sunday 30th September 1888 in the adjacent Dutfield's Yard by Louis Diemschutz, the steward of the International Working Men's Educational Club. So a huge time discrepancy here.
25) Narrator – “Within 40 minutes he had found, murdered, and mutilated Catherine Eddowes in Mitre Square.”
So 40 mins on from Midnight is 12:40am. However at approx 1:45am: PC Edward Watkins discovers Eddowes' body in Mitre Square. Something does not add up here for sure. What are Blink Films using for time pieces here or calculators?
26) Narrator – “The Ripper’s last accepted murder happened back in Whitechapel and back on Lechmere’s daily routine.” - more knowing his routes and timings garbage.
27) Narrator – “A tantalising FACT could explain that mystery. (being covered in blood.) Historian Arthur Ingram is an expert on Pickfords. His (Arthur) research has uncovered his job was to deliver meat to butchers around East London.” - this is pure garbage as the meat if delivered would be wrapped in muslin and in a wicker box. Note none of the images on Google of Victorian carmen show blood stained aprons.
28) Holmgren – “always had the habit of passing by those streets when someone was killed.” - did he? I'm sure Holmgren has some solid evidence of this like knowing his routes, times he left home and walking speeds etc. Did he every disclose this or as I fear is this more lying/speculation on behalf of Holmgren?
29) Narrator – “On the night of the murder of Polly Nichols he was found standing over the body.” - sorry he was not.
30) Narrator – “Wearing blood-stained overalls his job placed him at four of the killings at the time they occurred.” - he was wearing what and you can place him where how?
31) “The timings really hurt him.” – James Scobie KC - well the untrue timings supplied on the balance of probabilities by Holmgren might. Wonder what he would say if he had the truth presented to him?
32) Narrator – “...but Holmgren believes unless solid evidence emerges to the contrary, he has found the man behind the legend and proved beyond a reasonable doubt that Charles Allen Lechmere was Jack The Ripper.” - there really are no words for that statement, dear me.
...AND that is in a documentary that lasted only 42 mins. Absolutely shocking.