>>Can you point me to your demonstrations please. <<
My article is in a back issue of Ripperologist from a few years ago. I can't remember the issue number, but it has a picture of McCarthy's grave on the cover.
Since then Steve Blomer has produced an ebook that has more than anybody could ever want to know about Buck's Row.
Steve's book can be found here,
Please EMAIL when you order at Insidebucksrow@elamarna.co.uk
He gives regular free updates as new info comes to light. No spoilers, but the next update is going to be a beauty!
>>Are you aware that just before they crossed Brady Street they would have been walking past the Albion Brewery. I have read that it was brightl lit all night. Surely they would have seen each other then?<<
Christer claims it was brightly lit, I see no evidence to support that, as the lights were directed into the brewery not away from it, but it's irrelevant anyway, as the pair could be close and still not see the other.
My article is in a back issue of Ripperologist from a few years ago. I can't remember the issue number, but it has a picture of McCarthy's grave on the cover.
Since then Steve Blomer has produced an ebook that has more than anybody could ever want to know about Buck's Row.
Steve's book can be found here,
Please EMAIL when you order at Insidebucksrow@elamarna.co.uk
He gives regular free updates as new info comes to light. No spoilers, but the next update is going to be a beauty!
>>Are you aware that just before they crossed Brady Street they would have been walking past the Albion Brewery. I have read that it was brightl lit all night. Surely they would have seen each other then?<<
Christer claims it was brightly lit, I see no evidence to support that, as the lights were directed into the brewery not away from it, but it's irrelevant anyway, as the pair could be close and still not see the other.