"Of course. There seems to be no end to these "coincidences."
The oracle of Delphi was more talkative than you, Scott. AND clearer.
Let´s get it straight! Must the correlation inbetween the suggested workroutes, the position of Lechmere´s mothers quarters and the murder/dumping sites mean that Lechmere is guilty?
No, it must not.
Is it a clear indicator that Lechmere may have been involved in the crimes? Yes, that it is. If he used Hanbury Street/Old Montague Street to get to job as proposed, then the correlation is nothing short of amazing, also weighing in that Eddowes fell prey adjacent to a workroute he had used up til June 1888. That completes the picture.
I put it to you - and anybody else - that if the Met had been handed the material that has been published on the Lechmere threads, the behavior of the man and the geography and timing of the strikes, it would have them wetting their pants in anticipation.
Once again, a number of wet pants is no evidence of guilt - but they WOULD be indicative of a very strong circumstantial case.
If you disagree, it would be really, really nice to hear a bit more about your stance than the occasional discontent/ironic/sarcastic grumble. If there is good, solid criticism to offer that has not been offered as yet, I for one would welcome it.
All the best,
"Of course. There seems to be no end to these "coincidences."
The oracle of Delphi was more talkative than you, Scott. AND clearer.
Let´s get it straight! Must the correlation inbetween the suggested workroutes, the position of Lechmere´s mothers quarters and the murder/dumping sites mean that Lechmere is guilty?
No, it must not.
Is it a clear indicator that Lechmere may have been involved in the crimes? Yes, that it is. If he used Hanbury Street/Old Montague Street to get to job as proposed, then the correlation is nothing short of amazing, also weighing in that Eddowes fell prey adjacent to a workroute he had used up til June 1888. That completes the picture.
I put it to you - and anybody else - that if the Met had been handed the material that has been published on the Lechmere threads, the behavior of the man and the geography and timing of the strikes, it would have them wetting their pants in anticipation.
Once again, a number of wet pants is no evidence of guilt - but they WOULD be indicative of a very strong circumstantial case.
If you disagree, it would be really, really nice to hear a bit more about your stance than the occasional discontent/ironic/sarcastic grumble. If there is good, solid criticism to offer that has not been offered as yet, I for one would welcome it.
All the best,