Did anyone else confirm these findings, Lechmere? It's just that there might be some naughty, nasty people out there - not me, of course - who might find it convenient that the result of your unverified perambulations just happened to be the conclusion you jumped to from the get-go. How do I know how "briskly and evenly" you walked, if we're arguing over a (Lech)mere 30 seconds? In fact, how do you really know? If you did Old Montague first, maybe you were a little tired by the time you tackled the third route, and unconsciously slackened your pace? Now you'll tell me you did them on different days. 
As I've mentioned previously, the Princelet Street route could have been shortened (by longer than 30 seconds) by entering the terminus building of Liverpool Street station, the western edge of which was extremely close to the Pickfords premises. Your objection to this, on the grounds that he'd have to go down a few stairs and cross a few platforms, wasn't very convincing.
Hi Fisherman,
Apologies for the late reply.
Yes, but then I offered a list of plausible explanations for this that didn't involve him murdering anyone, and ventured a guess that the vast majority of readers to this thread would opt for one of those.
I don't doubt that a man who had grown up in St. Georges would be familiar with the streets of Whitechapel and Spitalfields in a general sense, but would that familiarity extend to knowing the quickest routes (to the nearest 30 seconds!) between a specific area in Bethnal Green and a specific area near Livepool Street? A lot more doubtful. My point was that Cross was new to that particular residence, and had no obvious reason to investigate routes from that residence until he lived there. There would not, therefore, be any "anomaly" at all in taking a nice, short, convenient route to work that was nonetheless not THE shortest.
"Get to him" in what sense? If you mean incriminate him, I maintain that this would have backfired owing to the fact that Cross himself took Hanbury Street to work, and let the entire newspaper-reading public know that he did too. Or do you mean kill him?
If he was particularly anxious not to "give himself away" the prudent move, surely, would have been to avoid claiming his next victim on his much publicized route to work only a week later? Anyway, Cross-the-ripper would not have been "spreading" the killings at all, since the victims were all found to the west of his residence. Contrast this with all* other known serial killers who walk to their crime scenes and claim victims where they find them (as you contend Cross did), and whose boltholes are located within area circumscribed by their crimes.
All the best,
*And I don't think "all" is an exaggeration either.

As I've mentioned previously, the Princelet Street route could have been shortened (by longer than 30 seconds) by entering the terminus building of Liverpool Street station, the western edge of which was extremely close to the Pickfords premises. Your objection to this, on the grounds that he'd have to go down a few stairs and cross a few platforms, wasn't very convincing.
Hi Fisherman,
Apologies for the late reply.
It therefore applies that the Old Montague Street route that he did NOT use on the murder morning WOULD have been quicker than the route he DID use on the murder morning. Therefore, the anomaly remains: He claimed to be late, and still did not use the quickest option.
However! I do NOT think that we ought to work from the assumption that a guy who grew up in St Georges, in comfortable walking distance from ALL the murder venues, and who had been learning how to traverse the East End streets in a professional capacity for more than twenty years, before which he had walked the same streets in an unprofessional capacity in a further one and a half decade,would be unaquainted with that area in any sense at all.
He was the killer, he wanted to find out how much Paul knew, and wanted to see where he worked, so that he could get to him if he wanted to in the future.
He also knew the roads inside out, and he intentionally spread the killings so as not to give himself away by killing on one street only.
All the best,
*And I don't think "all" is an exaggeration either.