Gee, Fish, it's like Lewisgate all over again 
The Cross Camp needs to do some more research if Cross is ever to be accepted as a Ripper candidate by more than a few. I don't see the problem with that really.
You can't seriously have thought that a purely conjectural case against him would 'solve' the identity of the Ripper at this remove? It isn't enough.
I understand entirely why people eschew 'suspect' Ripperology. If not entirely hopeless, it's very, very difficult to make any headway.

The Cross Camp needs to do some more research if Cross is ever to be accepted as a Ripper candidate by more than a few. I don't see the problem with that really.
You can't seriously have thought that a purely conjectural case against him would 'solve' the identity of the Ripper at this remove? It isn't enough.
I understand entirely why people eschew 'suspect' Ripperology. If not entirely hopeless, it's very, very difficult to make any headway.