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Kosminski and Victim DNA Match on Shawl

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  • Originally posted by Tom_Wescott View Post
    Just a note that if anyone not familiar with what the Eddowes shawl is would prefer not to have to spend $20 to find out, my book is available on Kindle for $2.99 and gives a pretty good synopsis of its alleged (and that's the key word) history. Also, I think the rest of the book is a pretty good read as well.

    The title of this thread is the name of the book.

    Yours truly,

    Tom Wescott
    G'day Tom

    It's not the title of this thread that's the name of your book, is it?
    G U T

    There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


    • duplicate
      Last edited by robhouse; 09-08-2014, 07:20 PM.


      • Originally posted by Jeff Leahy View Post
        No , because such a table runner was bulky..very valuable..and utterly useless while trying to hack prostitutes guts out..Yours Jeff
        Here's a picture of the "bulky" table runner, folded... Appears to be about 9 by 7 inches square, and around half an inch thick. The thing is so thin I am certain I could put it in my pocket, folded.

        Attached Files
        Last edited by robhouse; 09-08-2014, 07:22 PM.


        • Originally posted by Tom_Wescott View Post
          Just a note that if anyone not familiar with what the Eddowes shawl is would prefer not to have to spend $20 to find out, my book is available on Kindle for $2.99 and gives a pretty good synopsis of its alleged (and that's the key word) history. Also, I think the rest of the book is a pretty good read as well.

          The title of this thread is the name of the book.

          Yours truly,

          Tom Wescott
          Congrats Tom! It's on my Christmas list.


          The Ripper's Haunts/JtR Suspect Dr. Francis Tumblety (Sunbury Press)


          • Originally posted by Jeff Leahy View Post
            Oh yah, I saw that on ghost adventures. The ghost of which victim spilled the beans?

            The Ripper's Haunts/JtR Suspect Dr. Francis Tumblety (Sunbury Press)


            • Solitary Vices

              Why the Kosminski descendants?

              Why not other suspects' descendants?

              Perhaps they did try others, but there is no mention of such an ecumenical approach in the media I have seen so far.

              My guess is they started with semen, and that led them, instantly and inevitably, to the suspect Aaron Kosminski and his "solitary vices" (Macnaghten) a.k.a. "unmentionable vices" (Anderson).

              It's a pity this latest over-reach/hustle will lead to Kosminski being 'discredited' as a plausible suspect as that will be an over-reach too.


              • Hi Jonathan,

                Well, it certainly has breathed some new life into old posters coming back. Love it!

                The Ripper's Haunts/JtR Suspect Dr. Francis Tumblety (Sunbury Press)


                • Hey Jonathan,

                  Originally posted by Jonathan H View Post
                  My guess is they started with semen

                  Yeah, Eddowes' shawl, the DNA. You've heard of "A Bridge too far" -

                  this semen thing is "A Scratch and Sniff too far."

                  Sink the Bismark


                  • I picked up the book and am about half way through. It's not the worst written ripper book I've read. I rolled my eyes at the michalmas theory, but he's thankfully dropped that line of thought and it seems it was just an impetus for his own theorycrafting.

                    Anyway, nothing more to say until it's finished. Regardless of content, it is interesting reading so far.

                    Edit: nevermind.. He's off and running with the michaelmas theory again. He's gonna have to give me more than this to buy that one. Science stuff is still interesting though.
                    Last edited by Poch; 09-08-2014, 09:38 PM.


                    • Wow! Jack the Ripper goggles for sale?! Obviously needed with all that blood and semen flying around! I wager he used the "shawl" to clean his goggles so he could play with his yo yo on the way home!


                      • Originally posted by robhouse View Post
                        Here's a picture of the "bulky" table runner, folded... Appears to be about 9 by 7 inches square, and around half an inch thick. The thing is so thin I am certain I could put it in my pocket, folded.

                        Possibly fit into a pocket? perhaps

                        But know one was seen at the scene with a parcel of any kind. And why carry around a Table runner?

                        If the purpose was to rap organs in, then why leave it at the scene?

                        As Jonathon says it all looks like back to front ripperology joining the shawl with Kosminski.

                        Surely the important key that everyone now ignores is that Aron lives in Durfeild Yard as a child. Does that not make the space where Stide was stood more personal to him?

                        Yours Jeff

                        PS It might also be worth mentioning that the photo you show probably isn't the whole original table clothe as a piece was removed and framed by the Parlours at one time.
                        Last edited by Jeff Leahy; 09-08-2014, 11:46 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Jeff Leahy View Post
                          But know one was seen at the scene with a parcel of any kind. And why carry around a Table runner?
                          He was planning to dine al fresco, but the weather took a turn?



                          • Originally posted by The Good Michael View Post
                            He was planning to dine al fresco, but the weather took a turn?

                            Good morning Mike

                            It looks like the consensus here is that the shawl is NOT genuine.

                            However simply as Devils advocate, I'm surprised the author didn't consider this:

                            If the shawl was rolled tightly across its width and then folded across its length, you'd possibly have a Murder Weapon.

                            Its possible Eddows was attacked from behind and garrotted.

                            Its presence at the scene would then make more sense than for any other purpose… You'd simply have to wait a few years for table runners to come into fashion and get a tardis

                            Cheers Jeff
                            Last edited by Jeff Leahy; 09-09-2014, 01:08 AM.


                            • Hello Lynn,

                              Very true but just doesn't fit with the picture I have of him. Roaming the streets picking up pieces of bread from the streets and muttering to himself. Suppose it is possible that he had lucid moments, we don't really have a proper diagnosis, but I see him getting worse and worse. In other words not a smooth individual who could persuade a woman who was aware of the dangers to go with him to a dark corner somewhere.

                              Best wishes


                              P.S. Shawly he was too disturbed to be the Ripper? Sorry, couldn't resist!
                              Last edited by curious4; 09-09-2014, 01:15 AM.


                              • I have had word about my posting on DNA haplogroups, and correctly so - In my second post, I did not use matrilinear DNA groupings, which I should of course have done.

                                However, I only noticed that there is a site dealing with these matters, and on it, somebody with knowledge about DNA posted this on the matrilinear T1a1 haplogroup and Russian Jews:

                                Now for the fly in the ointment, I have not found this haplogroup in Russian Jewish people. In fact, the clients who I have done DNA Reports for who fall into this haplogroup are not Jewish – none of them, nor do they have Jewish matches. Neither does Dr. Behar identify this as a Jewish haplogroup in his founding mother’s paper. Nor is this identified elsewhere as a Jewish haplogroup. Of course, this Daily Mail article has no sources, so we can’t independently verify what was said, but it looks like this assertion of T1a1 typical of Jewish people may be in error.

                                The whole thing - and it is VERY interesting - can be accessed via

                                I reccommend a read!

                                The best,
                                Last edited by Fisherman; 09-09-2014, 01:39 AM.

