Originally posted by PaulB
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In the light of that it matters not what records or files there were on Kosminski because it is clear that the contents of those were also unreliable. But no its not suffficient in the eyes of some resecarchers who have hidden agendas for keeping Kosminisk as an active viable suspect to this day. They still want to suggest that MM was wrong to exonerate this man and that 124 years later they know more than one of the men on the front line at the time.
Swanson must have also known about Kominski from The MM or from what he had been told as Scotlan Yard, and thereore must have known about the exoneration so why would he then write about some mythical ID parade in this marginalia and name someone who was no longer a suspect.
But of course someone not so au fait with all the ripperological facts in later years may not have been aware of The full contants of the AV and that could have been there biggest mistake.