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Klosowski docs wrongly translated

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  • #16
    Originally posted by HelenaWojtczak View Post
    You can abuse and insult me as much as you like, it won't make you right.

    Lastly, I don't write pamphlets, I write award-winning books of factual history. What do you write?

    Carry on with the abuse, it's water off a duck's back to me!
    Abuse you? You come here to this site begging people to help you and I try and give you information, yet you tell me to do my homework. Who is abusing whom? Some of you people sit on your high horses having won Good Housekeeping awards for your placemat books and think you own the world. Sorry lady, but you are sitting on the back of a Shetland pony at best, and it needs to go back down into the mines.



    • #17
      Hi Helena,

      If you wouldn't mind, would you please stop creating so many disparate threads to discuss the same subject (George Chapman), and maybe try to cause less acrimony amongst the other posters while you're at it? You're clearly enthusiastic about your reseacher, and it will quite possibly result in the best suspect book on Chapman to come out, but you'll catch more bees with honey, and there's bandwidth issues to consider.

      Yours truly,

      Tom Wescott


      • #18
        Thanks Tom.



        • #19
          Originally posted by The Good Michael View Post
          Some of you people sit on your high horses having won Good Housekeeping awards for your placemat books and think you own the world. Sorry lady, but you are sitting on the back of a Shetland pony at best, and it needs to go back down into the mines.
          Your cheap potshots reveal merely your envy.

          I have reported your continued trolling abuse to admin.
          Helena Wojtczak BSc (Hons) FRHistS.

          Author of 'Jack the Ripper at Last? George Chapman, the Southwark Poisoner'. Click this link : -


          • #20
            Originally posted by Tom_Wescott View Post
            Hi Helena,

            If you wouldn't mind, would you please . . . maybe try to cause less acrimony amongst the other posters . . . you'll catch more bees with honey,

            Tom Wescott
            exactly. Having caught of couple of your threads, Helena, I believe I would rather skip the book than add any funds to your coffers . . .

            just saying.



            • #21
              Hi Maria.

              While we're at it, I would advice Ms. Wojtczak to be very careful about hasty conclusions that Chapman was never in New Jersey due to the fact that she's located no records of him there yet. It's a well-known fact that such records are notoriously incomplete. And there's the (alleged?) statement of Klosowski's wife Lucy that they were together in New Jersey. I'd be interested to know what Wolf Vanderlinden would say about the New Jersey part...
              We know that Klosowski and his wife Lucy went to the US, exactly when is a point of debate, and that they probably landed in the Port of New York (Lucy certainly left the US from the Port of New York when she returned to London). At least one newspaper report - the London Daily Chronicle 23 March, 1903 – stated that the couple had moved to Jersey City, New Jersey, and that this information apparently came from Lucy herself. This information was reported widely enough in US papers that the chief of the Jersey City Police looked for evidence of any Ripper-like murders in his city dating from the time Klosowski was supposedly living there (he found none).

              Helena, rightly, points out that there is no corroborating evidence that the couple did live in Jersey City in the surviving record (although it should also be pointed out that Klosowski was only in the US for less than one year). She also points out that Lucy never gave evidence in any of the court proceedings against her ex-husband so never spoke under oath. She is certainly within her rights as a researcher and author to point this out but shouldn’t claim, in my opinion, that Klosowski never lived in Jersey City unless she can provide a feasible and logical enough reason for believing this. Personally I don’t really see a reason, as it stands now, to disbelieve the reports but that’s just my opinion. I certainly don’t want her to be banned because she speaks her mind and defends her position.



              • #22
                Quote Wolf Vanderlinden:
                She is certainly within her rights as a researcher and author to point this out but shouldn’t claim, in my opinion, that Klosowski never lived in Jersey City unless she can provide a feasible and logical enough reason for believing this.

                Hello Mr. Vanderlinden,
                Thank you so much for giving your take on this. It would be nice if the possibility of additional research pertaining to New Jersey would emerge.
                I most certainly wouldn't want Ms. Wojtczak to be banned, but I believe it would be best if she could concentrate on the already existing numerous threads on Chapman/Klosowksi for her queries, esp. pertaining to the very real issue of bandwith.
                Best regards,


                • #23
                  Anyone attempting to apply modern terminology like "nurse practioner" to a 19th century man in a profession is seriously being led astray. I think the consensus is he was a field surgeon, and translations back that up:

                  Let all Oz be agreed;
                  I need a better class of flying monkeys.


                  • #24
                    I can assure you that he most definitely was NOT a field surgeon.

                    And I resent being told by someone else how to conduct research.
                    Helena Wojtczak BSc (Hons) FRHistS.

                    Author of 'Jack the Ripper at Last? George Chapman, the Southwark Poisoner'. Click this link : -


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by HelenaWojtczak View Post
                      I can assure you that he most definitely was NOT a field surgeon.

                      And I resent being told by someone else how to conduct research.
                      If this helps with the arguments here is a link to victorian occupations and definitions.


                      • #26
                        What's the latest on you book, Helena?
                        Best wishes,


                        • #27
                          Yes that is an extremely helpful site for people researching anything to do with British history but it doesn't cover Russia.

                          I have carried out extensive and in-depth research into what a c19th century Polish/Russian felczer was.

                          Helena Wojtczak BSc (Hons) FRHistS.

                          Author of 'Jack the Ripper at Last? George Chapman, the Southwark Poisoner'. Click this link : -


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Steven Russell View Post
                            What's the latest on you book, Helena?
                            Best wishes,
                            Hi Stephen

                            Work continues after a long winter break ... thank you for asking.

                            Been working on the maps today.

                            Helena Wojtczak BSc (Hons) FRHistS.

                            Author of 'Jack the Ripper at Last? George Chapman, the Southwark Poisoner'. Click this link : -


                            • #29
                              Another example.

                              What has become of this site?

                              (to be deleted shortly)


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by HelenaWojtczak View Post
                                Hi Stephen

                                Work continues after a long winter break ... thank you for asking.

                                Been working on the maps today.

                                hi you're back well done

