In the case of Severin Klosowski ( henceforth to be called K for short ) I should like to share some salient points from Trial of George Chapman edited by Hargrove L. Adam.
1. K at arrest, and by testimony had before his arrest kept rather substancial amounts of money "stashed" in his abode. K's own reason for this behavior was a distrust of banks. The point alone is ambiguos but may play a role in a gestaltic whole (P.41).
2. K had earier in life "abandoned" his social position and left that social context entirely. His position at Praga was that of assistant surgeon, and he left it to enlist in the Russian Army at Warsaw. ( P. 2)
3. Thought little of and was risk averse to the governing structures within the social context he inhabited. K understood without doubt that poisoning your wife was not a socially sanctioned activity.
4. Gave little or consideration to human beings that ostencibly occupied a prominent place within his own social construct (wives). ( You need a page number,....really?)
5. Never admits to being Severin Klosowski at trial, and consequently, never accepts responcibility for his actions. On page 37 his strenuous efforts to shift his identified nationality from Polish to English.
6. P.38 is in part a discussion of his" morbid interest in criminal law"
7. p.37 is a multi specific example of demonstrated mendacity.
8. P.71 the chemist describes K. as "intellectual
9. p. 135 K. is taunting Bessies friend that she is dead when she is not
I really like these 2 see if you can guess why
10. p.37 shooting rats beneath the Crown for fun
11. p.43 "obvoius arson
So here a fusion of the above
Hi my name is George Chapman and I am definately not Polish, for the love of all that is Holy, not Polish. I don't give a rats ass sbout your or anyone elses rules. I like shooting rats and taunting people about there friends deaths before they have even happened, oh and I study how criminals get away. I am biologically uncaple of relating any "truth" that may make appear anything less than Godlike. Things that make me happy.....hmmmmm....big rolls of cash in my house.
I forgot the matter of a "missing polish "wife"and semi literate in surgery. Please more knowlege people help me if I have forgotten anything.
P.S. NO THIS GUY COULD NOT HAVE KILLED ANYONE BEFORE MRS> SPINK, saying anything else will get you crucified.
1. K at arrest, and by testimony had before his arrest kept rather substancial amounts of money "stashed" in his abode. K's own reason for this behavior was a distrust of banks. The point alone is ambiguos but may play a role in a gestaltic whole (P.41).
2. K had earier in life "abandoned" his social position and left that social context entirely. His position at Praga was that of assistant surgeon, and he left it to enlist in the Russian Army at Warsaw. ( P. 2)
3. Thought little of and was risk averse to the governing structures within the social context he inhabited. K understood without doubt that poisoning your wife was not a socially sanctioned activity.
4. Gave little or consideration to human beings that ostencibly occupied a prominent place within his own social construct (wives). ( You need a page number,....really?)
5. Never admits to being Severin Klosowski at trial, and consequently, never accepts responcibility for his actions. On page 37 his strenuous efforts to shift his identified nationality from Polish to English.
6. P.38 is in part a discussion of his" morbid interest in criminal law"
7. p.37 is a multi specific example of demonstrated mendacity.
8. P.71 the chemist describes K. as "intellectual
9. p. 135 K. is taunting Bessies friend that she is dead when she is not
I really like these 2 see if you can guess why
10. p.37 shooting rats beneath the Crown for fun
11. p.43 "obvoius arson
So here a fusion of the above
Hi my name is George Chapman and I am definately not Polish, for the love of all that is Holy, not Polish. I don't give a rats ass sbout your or anyone elses rules. I like shooting rats and taunting people about there friends deaths before they have even happened, oh and I study how criminals get away. I am biologically uncaple of relating any "truth" that may make appear anything less than Godlike. Things that make me happy.....hmmmmm....big rolls of cash in my house.
P.S. NO THIS GUY COULD NOT HAVE KILLED ANYONE BEFORE MRS> SPINK, saying anything else will get you crucified.