Originally posted by Robert
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Thanks for the response. Maybe he thought it could be traced to him. Sometimes people tend to be "paranoid" about things other people may think/know about them when in reality no one knows/ remembers/cares.
If GH was JtR, it goes like this:
The first time he feels he's been seen well is the night of double event. in the act of attacking stride he is seen by Scwartz. To scare off this very jewish looking witness he yells "Lipski"-which does scare him off.
OK now he knows he has been seen by a jew.
Later, shortly before slaying Eddowes, he is again seen by 3 jews, one (Lawende) who tells police the suspect was wearing a red handkerchief.
Knowing he has been well twice, he thinks OK now I have got to do something to throw off suspician of me. Hence he does the piece of apron and the GSG to blame jews.
Why Blame jews?
1. He knows that there is a strong public suspician (and dislike) already of jews.
2. He has been spotted by a Jew. what better way to discredit a witness than to blame them?
(I may add here that I don't think JtR's main motivation in the killings was to arouse hatred on jews due to his anti-semetism. he was a serial murderer-he killed because he liked to. The jew blaming cam later as a convenient and needed scapegoat)
Also, much has been made of the (too long)time interval between the murder of Eddowes and the appearance of the GSG. What was JtR doing in this time period? Perhaps returning to his bolt hole (Victoria House?) to drop off trophies, knife etc and grab a piece of chalk?
In the interval between double event and MK murder, perhaps GH/JtR has been following the press, and knows that lawende told police the suspect was wearing a red handkerchief.
The night of MK murder, he has his opportunity with MK in the privacy of her own room, but not before he has to wait outside Millers court for her previous client to leave. While doing this S. Lewis sees him-he is more than likely the lurker she tells police she sees there. And perhaps he knows she saw him, if not that night then later when her testimoney is in the press.
After the MK murder, he realizes he has left the hanky in her room (whether he gave it to her or left it there).
After the inquest, which he does not want to go to for obvious reasons, he goes to the police (perhaps feeling he has to take direct action to give false info to throw off the police, and perhaps he feels its better to be a witness than a possible suspect) invents the jewish A-man and places his handkercheif in A-man's hand as giving it to MK.