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Hutchinson and antisemitism ?? A possibility?

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  • Hutchinson and antisemitism ?? A possibility?

    Hi, I'm a newbie -so forgive me if this territory has all been well covered before. I've been reading around the site the last few days and a few striking 'coincidences' leapt out at me :

    Starting with the 'Double Event' - Liz Stride was soliciting outside the jewish socialist club in Berner Street when she was killed (would the man seen pulling her AWAY from the yard have been trying to discourage her from soliciting there for antisemite reasons ?). At the same time, a passing jewish man, Israel Schwartz, was insulted with the name of a jewish criminel and chased. The Berner street club was sited in the same road as St George's Settlement Synagogue.

    A short while later three jewish men coming from a club near Mitre Square saw Catherine Eddowes soliciting and one of the men felt 'threatened' by Eddowes' customer,
    although he doesn't specify why. I have not seen the name of the club used by Lawende, Levy and Harris, but the fact that the three witnesses were jewish and the club was in proximity to the Great Synagogue, suggests that this was another jewish club. The fact that Eddowes chose to go to this specific location (away from the lodging house and not outside a pub or around the church) might suggest that she was soliciting there for jewish men leaving this club. The fact that Levy was scared of this man strongly suggests to me that the man did not look jewish -and indeed either flashed a look of hatred at Levy or had a look of an antisemite (a sort of forerunner fascist thug ), and which made Levy scared to testify later, probably for fear of attracting violence to his family. Eddowes is found murdered 10 minutes afterwards.

    Later that evening part of Eddowes' apron is found under an inflammatory graffiti accusing the jews of the crime by inference. If Jtl didn't write the graffiti either that night or at an earlier date, he knew it was there and left the apron there on purpose -although this was an act guaranteed to stir up racial hatred and cause trouble for jewish people (a fact recocognised by Sir Charles Warren).

    On balance it does not look as if Jtl was jewish himself -it even looks as if he specifically targeted prostitutes soliciting for jewish customers near to jewish club meetings.

    With this theory in mind, it is worth looking at the other canonical murders. Jim Leen has described the locations thus :-
    Buck's Row - opposite Brady Street Ashkenazi Cemetery.
    Hanbury Street - Glory of Israel and Sons of Klatsk Synagogue situated
    at no. 50a. Synagogues at 19 Princelet St. and 17 Wilkes St.
    Berner Street - St. George's Settlement Synagogue.
    Mitre Square - beside the Great Synagogue.
    Miller's Court - beside Spitalfields Great Synagogue, Church St. ( Fournier St.)
    Leen seemed to think that the locations were chosen so that a jewish Jtl could find refuge in a synagogue, but given the time of day that seems very unlikely to me !

    Isn't it more likely that, as in the case of Berner Street and Mitre Square, there were jewish clubs meeting in proximity to these sacred jewish sites ? Certainly Rumbelow mentions that the "Bolshevik delegation headquarters in 1907 was less than five minutes from Buck’s Row". what was this building used for in 1888 ?
    Henry Mann ("Petticoat Lane Sunday Morning") talks about "Jew pubs" -were rooms in pubs near the murder sites used for jewish meetings ? and if so on what dates?
    Club meetings around the weekend, once a month or near the beginning of the month sound pretty logical to me. Maybe there is still research to do on this through the jewish community?

    I also think that if Jtl WAS targeting certain prostitutes seen with jewish customers, then this would explain why he sometimes took a long time to choose
    a victim -not just "any old" prostitute would do. It would also explain why he did not appear to have sexual relations with the women he killed (he thought that they were dirty), although he may have used other prostitutes (and have been known amongst them as being harmless -a reason why the women weren't scared of him)..

    All this inevitably leads us to Millers Court and George Hutchinson. He described in detail the supposed killer of Mary Jane Kelly as a caricature of a jew
    -the sort of portrait that could have come from a racist newspaper cartoonist: the showy hat, the ostentatious watch, the twirly moustache, the astrakan, the "toff"
    attitude. Hutchinson even describes his reaction to this caricature : he stopped to bend down to stare the man in the face, he eavesdropped, he followed him,
    he loitered outside whilst the man was supposedly with a woman within. There is nothing benign about his description of his attitude towards this "jew".

    In the end -in the absence of forensic proof - we either believe Hutchinson's statement or we don't; He lied or he didn't. If he lied, what reason could he have except that he was the murderer ? I don't accept that he would cover for someone else, because these are sexual crimes by one warped mind.

    I won't list all the objections to Hutchinson's story -they've all been well documented on this site. I will just add that I think that there are bits of truth woven in -
    liers do add in truth, to make their lies more believable. So I think that Hutchinson HAD seen Kelly with a jewish client at one point -he may even have warned her about it in the past (is that who she was scared of ?) I think that it was the reason that she was chosen to die. I think that Hutchinson accompanied her back to her room and it was he who stood chatting a few moments and showed her the red scarf (the one he had on when picking up Eddowes); I think that he waited a long time watching her room, to make sure that she'd really gone to bed and was asleep so that he could reach through the window and unlock the door as he'd just seen her do, because she'd already refused to let him come in with her (could it be that's what they chatted about ?) I think that he relocked the door the same way that he unlocked it.

    All that is necessarily surmising about Hutchinson, but once we've decided that he WAS lying and WAS Jtl then there are obvious questions to which we need to
    find logical answers -and they can only be supposition now.

    Why would Hutchinson come forward after the inquest and draw attention to himself ? For the same reason that we see people giving tearful 'news conferences'
    begging for help to find a killer -only for us to find that they did it themselves ? . Hutchinson would have followed the inquest, if he'd done it, and may have been horrified to see that witnesses had got a good look at him -so this could have been partly 'damage limitation'. Another part could have been a 'controlling'
    (wouldn't Jtl have been 'controlling' ?) desire to get close to the enquiry, to keep an eye on what direction it was taking and try and influence it from the inside ?
    Influence it by pointing to a jewish culprit (hatred of the jews being his own justification to himself for the crimes). Then again Hutchinson might also have liked
    the 15 minutes fame concerning the press and public (Jtl was a little bit 'theatrical' in his displays of the murder victims, and his placing of the apron piece under the graffiti), not to mention getting paid by both the police and the press for his trouble (Jtl stole those brass rings, and always took back the money that he'd paid the prostitutes, even if he was in a hurry). I think that it figures.

    The next question would be (and the main reason that people reject him as a candidate) why Abberline met him as a witness and believed him, and did not
    retain him as a suspect. I believe that there are three good reasons:
    a) Abberline saw the 'jewish' thread (which I've already discussed) and Hutchinson was proposing an archytypal jewish suspect.
    b) Abberline had actually seen the bodies of Chapman, Eddowes, and especially Kelly and I think that it must have been quite traumatic for him -I had nightmares for days after just glimpsing those old photos of Kelly's remains -and Abberline saw & smelt the reality, in their grim surroundings. I'm sure that he must have looked at, & weighed up, the witness across the table from him (and without forensics or an arrest 'in flagrante', his intuition was all he had to go on), and he decided that
    Hutchinson was too normal' to be Jtl. He also showed Hutchinson Kelly's body, I'm sure to see his reaction.

    It has to be said here that we have so much more experience of killers and atrocities than Abberline : who can forget all those nazi concentration camp guards ?
    (you can read the statement by the camp commandant of Auschwitz), perpetrators of horrendous deeds in Japan, Vietnam, Bosnia, Rwanda, Chile ?(sadly Icould go on for a very long time), capable of going home and being perfectly loving with their friends and families -even sentimental. Then there are those serial killers such as Denis Nielson -he was capable of holding down work in a job centre, and presumably discussing last night's telly around the coffee machine with his collegues,
    whilst boiling up heads and flushing bits of his victims down the loo. There are also all those seemingly 'normal' family men who get caught living double lives or viewing the most revolting violence, porn & paedophilia on the net, as part of their secret fantasy life. In short people can compartmentalise. -and Hutchinson might not have needed to act when viewing Kelly's body, some days after the murder.

    c) Abberline didn't think that a serial killer with escalating violence, could stop in his trajectory -but we know that serial killers CAN stop sometimes. The FBI
    profile of the likely killer says that one reason for the Jtl stopping could have been the feeling that the police were closing in. Of course, if Hutchinson were Jtl, then the fact that he had been circulating around town with policeman, giving interviews to the press, and no doubt regaling an audience in the pubs thereabouts of every detail, would make it impossible for him to sneak around as Jtl.

    I will just finish by saying that it would be very interesting to see if there are descendents of George Topping Hutchinson (I see that there was a son living in the '70s), and what information they would be able to give about him.

    I am really new to all this, so I would welcome comments and any discussion on the topic...
    Last edited by Rubyretro; 03-29-2010, 02:27 PM.

  • #2
    The Topping relatives aren't speaking.

    As for Hutch, you should read the threads dedicated to him, but try not to get any of red stuff on you.

    Of course it's possible the murderer was targeting women in areas that would make it look as if a Jew was the murderer. The graffiti appears to me to be a Jewish solidarity message which would fit in well with your theory.

    Hutchinson as murderer is discussed ad nauseum in his threads. One side things he did at least the Kelly murder, another thinks he did them all, and yet another thinks his story may be true. I think he was looking to make a buck from his testimony because he was a young, sharp man with no means. The police believed him and even took him on a tour about town. Presumably, he earned some money for being in custody and working with the police.

    Please get to the Hutchinson threads read all that is there, including the signatures and the battles.




    • #3
      Hi Rubyretro,

      I'm currently working on an article that explores the very possibility you outline. Suffice to say I agree entirely with your post, and extend a warm welcome to Casebook.

      All the best,


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ben View Post
        Hi Rubyretro,

        I'm currently working on an article that explores the very possibility you outline. Suffice to say I agree entirely with your post, and extend a warm welcome to Casebook.

        All the best,
        Thanks Ben -I very much look forward to reading that article !I found a few things today that interested me -what do you think ?

        First of all, I was thinking about Hutchinson having been a groom and it suddenly came to me that those marks on Catherine Eddowes' face were made by a 'hoof pick' -a hooked instrument that could also be used for harvesting organs in a confined space. Infact grooms would carry a long straight knife & a hoof pick (sometimes combined like a swiss army knife)
        and the designs vary. It's probably possible to find what firms were manufacturing equestrian knives for sale at that time in a certain radius, and match them to the marks. Working Knife #3208 - HOOF PICK and
        meNEW Schrade Knives Equestrian Bowie Knife SCH1850
        (those are both new, but I don't think the design has changed much).

        Next, I was just idly speculating on where exactly Hutchinson had worked as a groom I was thinking along the lines of somewhere with lots of horses
        (where he might have had to/ have seen horses 'put down' by throat cutting,
        and seen dead horses butchered) -so Essex came to mind with Great Leighs
        and New Market not far away, and lots of stud farms between them, and I was wondering what sort of job he had been looking for in Romford exactly?

        So I googled ' Horse fair Romford Essex' (where would you have looked for a job as a groom ?) and this answer came back 3rd down : "Revolution and Evolution 1848 German-Jewish History" Given the title of this thread, you have to admit it's a strange coincidence, and a reply totally unexpected for Romford !

        Here are a couple of extracts from page 108 :

        "In Western Germany, jewish horse dealers imported horses from Belgium and England. In Zulpich, a small town west of Bonn, the horse-trading firm Schwarz imported stud horses from Ghent, Thourout, Romford (Essex) and London...." "......From details like these we can see that horse dealers often were the wealthiest members of a rural community. Horse trading required much Capital, and it was often conducted as an international business over long distances. It was of great advantage for jewish horse dealers that many of the horse dealers in the foreign countries from which the imports came were also jews"

        OK this is dealing with a period 40 years earlier than the period that we're interested in (don't forget that Hutchinson would have started as a groom
        almost a child) -but would things have radically changed ?

        If by coincidence we found our Hutchinson had worked for a rich jewish international horse dealer in Romford -what would that signify ?

        I should love to know under what circumstances Hutchinson stopped working as a groom and came to Whitechapel, because obviously if we want a reason WHY he was antisemite then any grievences that he had against a rich and powerful jewish ex-employer might give us a motive.

        I should also be curious to see whether his jewish horse breeder (pure speculation on my part that he ever worked for one) boss, resembled the
        'suspect' that he invented (maybe photos of these horse owners still exist ?).

        What do you think of that Ben ?
        Last edited by Rubyretro; 03-30-2010, 09:07 PM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Rubyretro View Post
          Thanks Ben -I very much look forward to reading that article !I found a few things today that interested me -what do you think ?

          First of all, I was thinking about Hutchinson having been a groom and it suddenly came to me that those marks on Catherine Eddowes' face were made by a 'hoof pick' -a hooked instrument that could also be used for harvesting organs in a confined space. Infact grooms would carry a long straight knife & a hoof pick (sometimes combined like a swiss army knife)
          and the designs vary. It's probably possible to find what firms were manufacturing equestrian knives for sale at that time in a certain radius, and match them to the marks.

 Working Knife #3208 - HOOF PICK and
          meNEW Schrade Knives Equestrian Bowie Knife SCH1850
          (those are both new, but I don't think the design has changed much).

          Next, I was just idly speculating on where exactly Hutchinson had worked as a groom I was thinking along the lines of somewhere with lots of horses
          (where he might have had to/ have seen horses 'put down' by throat cutting,
          and seen dead horses butchered) -so Essex came to mind with Great Leighs
          and New Market not far away, and lots of stud farms between them, and I was wondering what sort of job he had been looking for in Romford exactly?

          So I googled ' Horse fair Romford Essex' (where would you have looked for a job as a groom ?) and this answer came back 3rd down : "Revolution and Evolution 1848 German-Jewish History" Given the title of this thread, you have to admit it's a strange coincidence, and a reply totally unexpected for Romford !

          Here are a couple of extracts from page 108 :

          "In Western Germany, jewish horse dealers imported horses from Belgium and England. In Zulpich, a small town west of Bonn, the horse-trading firm Schwarz imported stud horses from Ghent, Thourout, Romford (Essex) and London...." "......From details like these we can see that horse dealers often were the wealthiest members of a rural community. Horse trading required much Capital, and it was often conducted as an international business over long distances. It was of great advantage for jewish horse dealers that many of the horse dealers in the foreign countries from which the imports came were also jews"

          OK this is dealing with a period 40 years earlier than the period that we're interested in (don't forget that Hutchinson would have started as a groom
          almost a child) -but would things have radically changed ?

          If by coincidence we found our Hutchinson had worked for a rich jewish international horse dealer in Romford -what would that signify ?

          I should love to know under what circumstances Hutchinson stopped working as a groom and came to Whitechapel, because obviously if we want a reason WHY he was antisemite then any grievences that he had against a rich and powerful jewish ex-employer might give us a motive.

          I should also be curious to see whether his jewish horse breeder (pure speculation on my part that he ever worked for one) boss, resembled the
          'suspect' that he invented (maybe photos of these horse owners still exist ?).

          What do you think of that Ben ?
          P.S if Hutchinson based his description of Astrakhan Man on a hated jewish horse dealer......what about that 'horse shoe tie pin' ?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Rubyretro View Post
            P.S if Hutchinson based his description of Astrakhan Man on a hated jewish horse dealer......what about that 'horse shoe tie pin' ?
            pps :Miller Christy, in his book "The Trade Signs of Essex," says that horse-shoe signs probably owe their origin partly to the fact that this symbol appears on the arms of the Farriers' Company, and partly to the old practice of fastening a horse-shoe upon the stable-door or elsewhere as a witch-scarer. In the county of Essex the horse-shoe may be seen upon the signs of beerhouses at Great Parndon, Braintree, Waltham Abbey, and High Ongar.


            • #7
              I think you'll find that a good majority of citizens living in the East End in 1888 who were not Jewish themselves weren't exactly fond of the Jews. There was, after all, a lot of concern from the police during the murder series that there was about to be an uprising against them - anger and frustration that had been brewing over them for some time was at risk of boiling over with a common belief being that JTR was a Jew as well.

              So Hutchinson might have harboured some anti-semitic feelings. But that's pretty hard to judge, and even if he did, he was far from alone in that at the time.



              • #8
                Originally posted by Adam Went View Post
                I think you'll find that a good majority of citizens living in the East End in 1888 who were not Jewish themselves weren't exactly fond of the Jews. There was, after all, a lot of concern from the police during the murder series that there was about to be an uprising against them - anger and frustration that had been brewing over them for some time was at risk of boiling over with a common belief being that JTR was a Jew as well.

                So Hutchinson might have harboured some anti-semitic feelings. But that's pretty hard to judge, and even if he did, he was far from alone in that at the time.

                I'm sure that alot of people were antisemite at that time (and not just in Whitechapel).....however they weren't all spotted lurking in the dark in the early hours of a cold & drizzly morning in a murky courtyard just before a
                drunken prostitute was murdered. Neither did they all give false witness statements, later discounted, to the police. So my spotlight is only shining on
                Hutchinson, who I believe was JtR.

                If my theory is correct that the victims of JtR were killed because they were soliciting next to jewish clubs, and that Hutchinson was the killer, then I would have to prove that he was virulently antisemite -I mean enough to commit murder and not that he wasn't "exactly fond" of jews.

                We don't know very much at all about Hutchinson, but we do know that he tried to put the blame on a 'cartoon' jewish suspect and his imagined reaction to this 'suspect' wasn't friendly. We also know that Hutchinson had been a groom (but had switched to transient jobs in unknown circumstances), and that he had a sister in Romford and had been looking for jobs in that area.

                Well now I've just found out that the horse trade had some very rich and powerful international jewish dealers, and specifically there was (at least) one with a stud in Romford. Isn't it strange that Astrakhan man was
                imagined as being a rich 'toff ' in this murderous slum, and not a poor
                immigrant worker, and that he was imagined as wearing a 'horse shoe' pin -which is a trade symbol of the Company of Farriers in Essex ?

                I am very wary of adding two and two and making five, but personally I am excited because I think that there are many things pertinent to JtR and Hutchinson still to be discovered. I think that if we find the jewish horse dealers around Essex at that time , then we might well find Hutchinson the groom and even why he left his job if he was sacked. We know that the
                horsetrade was international, and we even know that Romford had links with Ghent through Schwarz....did Hutchinson spend time abroad ? (if so, were there any attacks on prostitutes ?). Are there existing photos of rich dealers
                that may be wearing a gold watch with a red stone (a pretty conclusive description) and a 'horse shoe' pin ? -it's perfectly possible. Are there existing
                photos of the horse fair in Romford ? Or stud owners at race meetings ?
                (I bet you anything that the dealers are in black overcoats with astrakhan
                collars -as the dealers at horse fairs in Portugal wear overcoats with fox fur
                collars still). Did Hutchinson have a grievence against this particular person, and had it manifested itself before ?

                I also think that there is work to be done on the knife business. A groom would carry a certain type of farriers knife (or knives) with a straight blade and a hoof pick, and the factories supplying the Essex area can't run into
                hundreds. There must be existing knives from this period (I see there are
                victorian farriers knives for sale on ebay sometimes) and I think that with the
                description, photos, measurements of the wounds -and particularly those V marks on Eddowes face, a pathologist could see if those wounds are compatible with that knife or not.

                I think that it is still possible to build up a pile of circumstancial evidence
                against Hutchinson -and evidence which is logical and believable and not totally fantasist.
                Last edited by Rubyretro; 04-01-2010, 11:17 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Rubyretro View Post
                  I'm sure that alot of people were antisemite at that time (and not just in Whitechapel).....however they weren't all spotted lurking in the dark in the early hours of a cold & drizzly morning in a murky courtyard just before a
                  drunken prostitute was murdered. Neither did they all give false witness statements, later discounted, to the police. So my spotlight is only shining on
                  Hutchinson, who I believe was JtR.

                  If my theory is correct that the victims of JtR were killed because they were soliciting next to jewish clubs, and that Hutchinson was the killer, then I would have to prove that he was virulently antisemite -I mean enough to commit murder and not that he wasn't "exactly fond" of jews.

                  We don't know very much at all about Hutchinson, but we do know that he tried to put the blame on a 'cartoon' jewish suspect and his imagined reaction to this 'suspect' wasn't friendly. We also know that Hutchinson had been a groom (but had switched to transient jobs in unknown circumstances), and that he had a sister in Romford and had been looking for jobs in that area.

                  Well now I've just found out that the horse trade had some very rich and powerful international jewish dealers, and specifically there was (at least) one with a stud in Romford. Isn't it strange that Astrakhan man was
                  imagined as being a rich 'toff ' in this murderous slum, and not a poor
                  immigrant worker, and that he was imagined as wearing a 'horse shoe' pin -which is a trade symbol of the Company of Farriers in Essex ?

                  I am very wary of adding two and two and making five, but personally I am excited because I think that there are many things pertinent to JtR and Hutchinson still to be discovered. I think that if we find the jewish horse dealers around Essex at that time , then we might well find Hutchinson the groom and even why he left his job if he was sacked. We know that the
                  horsetrade was international, and we even know that Romford had links with Ghent through Schwarz....did Hutchinson spend time abroad ? (if so, were there any attacks on prostitutes ?). Are there existing photos of rich dealers
                  that may be wearing a gold watch with a red stone (a pretty conclusive description) and a 'horse shoe' pin ? -it's perfectly possible. Are there existing
                  photos of the horse fair in Romford ? Or stud owners at race meetings ?
                  (I bet you anything that the dealers are in black overcoats with astrakhan
                  collars -as the dealers at horse fairs in Portugal wear overcoats with fox fur
                  collars still). Did Hutchinson have a grievence against this particular person, and had it manifested itself before ?

                  I also think that there is work to be done on the knife business. A groom would carry a certain type of farriers knife (or knives) with a straight blade and a hoof pick, and the factories supplying the Essex area can't run into
                  hundreds. There must be existing knives from this period (I see there are
                  victorian farriers knives for sale on ebay sometimes) and I think that with the
                  description, photos, measurements of the wounds -and particularly those V marks on Eddowes face, a pathologist could see if those wounds are compatible with that knife or not.

                  I think that it is still possible to build up a pile of circumstancial evidence
                  against Hutchinson -and evidence which is logical and believable and not totally fantasist.
                  ps I have just done 2 searches with google -1st looking for photos 1880s horse owners Newmarket. I only looked at 2 ('Thormanby' & Sir Tatton Sykes)
                  -both paintings with the owners in black astrakhan collared coats. second search: 'lord Randolph Churchill (cited by Reg Hutchinson in an interview about his father. Reg said that George accused Churchill 'or someone like him' of 'having something to do with' the ripper crimes) - answer says that after 1886
                  Randolph abandoned politics to devote himself to racing.

                  I think that we will find Hutchinson the groom on a stud breeding racehorses
                  -just bound to be going to New Market sometimes. I am sure that the clue as to why he became JtR (if i'm correct) is in this direction.



                  • #10
                    more coincidences

                    Originally posted by Rubyretro View Post
                    ps I have just done 2 searches with google -1st looking for photos 1880s horse owners Newmarket. I only looked at 2 ('Thormanby' & Sir Tatton Sykes)
                    -both paintings with the owners in black astrakhan collared coats. second search: 'lord Randolph Churchill (cited by Reg Hutchinson in an interview about his father. Reg said that George accused Churchill 'or someone like him' of 'having something to do with' the ripper crimes) - answer says that after 1886
                    Randolph abandoned politics to devote himself to racing.

                    I think that we will find Hutchinson the groom on a stud breeding racehorses
                    -just bound to be going to New Market sometimes. I am sure that the clue as to why he became JtR (if i'm correct) is in this direction.

                    I think that we will find Hutchinson the groom on a stud breeding racehorses
                    -just bound to be going to New Market sometimes. I am sure that the clue as to why he became JtR (if i'm correct) is in this direction

                    -so I'm nosing around Newmarket in 1888 and I find the 'Autumn Double'
                    (the Double Event ?) traditionally held in late September to early October the Cesarewitch and Cambridgeshire handicaps. These coincidences seem to abound..


                    • #11
                      The best evidence against Hutchinson being the killer of MJK, or JTR altogether, is his own statement to the police. Surely, nobody is stupid enough to come forward to the police on their own accord, place themselves in the position of being the last person to see the victim alive besides the killer, virtually admit that they had some sort of relationship/friendship with the victim, and give such a lavish description if it was all rubbish, and place themselves in such high danger of being labelled not just a liar, but also the killer. It just does not make sense for that to be case.

                      Nobody would give Hutchinson's statement a second thought if he had come forward and described the man in the same way as Lawende, Schwartz or any of the others had done. People complain that there was no clear description of the Ripper, and then when they get one, they say the bloke that said it was a liar and probably even the killer. I don't quite understand that one.

                      Anyway, parts of his statement are backed up by other witnesses, so we know he wasn't outright lying. And he would have been thoroughly questioned and interviewed by the police at the time, and they clearly saw no reason for suspicion. At the height of the murders when just about anyone was getting arrested for just about anything, those are telling facts.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Adam Went View Post

                        Anyway, parts of his statement are backed up by other witnesses, so we know he wasn't outright lying.

                        Can you put some meat on the bones of this one Adam? What was backed up?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Adam Went View Post
                          The best evidence against Hutchinson being the killer of MJK, or JTR altogether, is his own statement to the police. Surely, nobody is stupid enough to come forward to the police on their own accord, place themselves in the position of being the last person to see the victim alive besides the killer, virtually admit that they had some sort of relationship/friendship with the victim, and give such a lavish description if it was all rubbish, and place themselves in such high danger of being labelled not just a liar, but also the killer. It just does not make sense for that to be case.

                          Nobody would give Hutchinson's statement a second thought if he had come forward and described the man in the same way as Lawende, Schwartz or any of the others had done. People complain that there was no clear description of the Ripper, and then when they get one, they say the bloke that said it was a liar and probably even the killer. I don't quite understand that one.

                          Anyway, parts of his statement are backed up by other witnesses, so we know he wasn't outright lying. And he would have been thoroughly questioned and interviewed by the police at the time, and they clearly saw no reason for suspicion. At the height of the murders when just about anyone was getting arrested for just about anything, those are telling facts.

                          Adam -I am amazed that you think that Hutchinson would not have come forward to the police if he had been the murderer ; it seems to me to have been the perfectly logical thing to have done. If a witness had clearly seen him lurking at that time in Millers Court -and he had seen her and knew that she could identify him -the best thing to do was to come clean and admit to being there voluntarily and give a reason for it. He had avoided coming forward at the inquest -because he didn't know whether or not that witness would come forward and how much she had seen. Once he realised that she
                          could point the finger at him (and he was someone who lodged in that immediate area), he reckoned that he would be in real trouble if he was
                          picked up and questioned by the police and had to explain why he hadn't
                          come forward before as a witness (even if it was to say that he hadn't seen a thing). I think that he wanted to deflect suspicion from himself.

                          The next reason is that he was a 'control freak' -I think that serial killers ARE
                          control freaks because they think that they can control the right of life or death over their victims. I think that Hutchinson would have been climbing the walls not having any control over the police investigation and not knowing if they were looking for himself.

                          I also imagine that serial killers think that they are very clever (superior to other people), because they can plot and carry out murder without getting caught. So, Hutchinson would have thought that he could outwit the police
                          and even manipulate them.

                          As to him 'virtually admitting' that he knew MJK and sometimes gave her money -he clearly stated that he knew her, and that may have been a lie .
                          He wanted to say that he had followed her as a 'friend' (the inference being that you wouldn't butcher a 'friend', you might even want to protect them). He had no reason to be outside her room if
                          wasn't a 'friend', and she was not able to confirm or deny it.

                          As to the witness statement -Lawende had infact seen and described Hutchinson (by the way, I see that grooms wore caps like costermongers).
                          Now it must have been pitch black, and he had a cap pulled down and a scarf under his lower face, and of course most men seemed to wear moustaches, so Lawende couldn't identify him. However I think that Hutchinson wanted to point the description well away from himself, as a red herring to confuse the police. He also described a jewish suspect (crucial). Also, the reason that the man with MJK was a 'toff' (and unusual) was his whole argument as to why he had followed her home and hung around ! How could he possibly have justified following MJK and an ordinary punter ? I personally also believe that he didn't pull his description out of a wide-awake hat, but he was describing a hated person
                          or 'type' from his past, and is a real clue as to his motivation (I believe that if we can trace where Hutchinson was a groom, then his model for Astrakhan man won't be far away).

                          As to the police discounting him -I have already said in my first post, that I think that the police had mostly instinct to go on, since they didn't have
                          forensic science nor had they caught anyone red handed. After the state of
                          MJKs body, they were looking for someone that looked mad. They were looking for a jewish suspect, and they were looking for someone who looked
                          violent and threatening. However, Hutchinson was a very english person
                          and very bright (he worked himself up from labourer to plumber, and apparently started his own business), and he was a long way from what the police were looking for. He wasn't even a butcher or someone with medical experience (they probably latched onto the un-employed labourer tag, and didn't realise that as a groom working with lots of animals, he would have had occasion to cut up dead animals sometimes, or see sick animals put down -maybe by cutting their throats, since a vet
                          wouldn't have had drugs, nor a car to get there quickly, nor would the grooms carry guns about
                          I'm thinking along the lines that we're looking for a stud breeding race horses & maybe horses for
                          Last edited by Rubyretro; 04-02-2010, 10:22 AM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Rubyretro View Post
                            However, Hutchinson was a very english person
                            and very bright (he worked himself up from labourer to plumber, and apparently started his own business
                            Hi Rubyretro,

                            This is assuming the witness was Toppy, which I personally don't believe.
                            Note that Toppy was a bit young to be a likely Sailor Man.



                            • #15
                              Hello Rubyretro,
                              A lot of what you are saying is plausible, and approaching the police by a killer, to assist them is nothing new, we had a rather unpleasant individual by the name of Neville Heath in the 1940s who tried to be clever in doing precisely that.
                              I believe the picture of George William Topping Hutchinson, which is well circulated, along with family references of his integreity, sways many [ including myself] away from his possible involvement in kellys murder.
                              He simply does not look like the whitechapel killer.
                              However he could well have been, if he had chilling control over his deeds, and could fall in love and produce a family, and put all that blood and gore behind him.
                              Also he did reside at the Victoria home, and he was interviewed by Abberline.
                              Check the letters thread for a possible conection....
                              I must admit my views on Hutchinson are heading in a different direction, which bothers me.
                              Regards Richard.

