Fish for breakfast it was.
Oh, but this is depressing.
It's now 9:50 at time of writing and the above was posted over two hours ago. I'm not sure of the time difference in Sweden, but it seems as though I must have been a first priority upon waking. Thanks for the effort and the continued attention, but frankly, you're just not very good at explaining things. You're good at re-igniting old arguments in a blatant attempt to draw me into long drawn out posting "battles", but such is my apparent magnetism, I guess.
No, it doesn't. That sentence of mine that you quoted doesn’t say anything about ruling anything in, so kindly refrain from telling me it did. It rules out anything that could not be considered similar to age, available space and function of the pen, but in this specific semantic scenario, where the three things referred to have no similarity with eachother, it would seem he meant “similar things” to function of the pen only, or else he was phrasing himself in a very confusing manner, not necessarily becoming of an expert. It first rules out anything that could not be considered similar to the three of them, but because they have no similarity with eachother, it seems he was referring to the last mentioned “explanation” when he spoke of “similar things”.
You haven’t found a hole in my argument, Fisherman. You just wasted your time, and obsessing over commas only makes you look desperate. You’ve now expressed your intention to “drop that particular issue”, but I just know you won’t follow through with it. I’d even place money on it.
Well, I’ve noticed the phenomenon, yes, since you ask. I suspected that it was occurring on the 1911 thread, which is why I raised the objections you found so distasteful. “Cannot be ruled out”, and all that. Hey, there’s an idea! Let’s dredge that all up again if dredging up long buried threads is your current fixation. I’d better prepare a few copy and pastes at the ready. What’s worse, though, is when obsessed people are so eager to score points that they pathetically imagine they’ve found a “slip-up” in their opponent’s arguments and go about “exposing” it in a confusing and incomprehensible manner.
I’m working from the basis of what he actually said, and if what he said did not convey his true meaning, I’m afraid that’s his problem. The simpler explanation is that he said what he meant, and in this instance, it would follow that he did not consider that “quality of paper” of “intoxication” to have been reasonable explanations for the differences in this particular case. That’s not to say that intoxication or paper quality cannot have the effect of altering aspects of a person’s handwriting as a general rule, only that they did not appear to be valid explanations in this particular case.
Given the likely extent of Leander’s experience, I’d say he’s the best judge (at least better than you or I) of which “explanations” were likely to have come into play for this specific comparison.
No, my infatuated follower, it did not.
Tell you what, why don't you respond with one of those rambling 60-liners that ensure that your central bullet-points are obscured by the rubble?
Make me feel important.
Oh, but this is depressing.
It's now 9:50 at time of writing and the above was posted over two hours ago. I'm not sure of the time difference in Sweden, but it seems as though I must have been a first priority upon waking. Thanks for the effort and the continued attention, but frankly, you're just not very good at explaining things. You're good at re-igniting old arguments in a blatant attempt to draw me into long drawn out posting "battles", but such is my apparent magnetism, I guess.
That means that it rules out anything that could not be consider similar to age - whereas it rules IN anything that could be considered similar to age.
You haven’t found a hole in my argument, Fisherman. You just wasted your time, and obsessing over commas only makes you look desperate. You’ve now expressed your intention to “drop that particular issue”, but I just know you won’t follow through with it. I’d even place money on it.
“Have you ever pondered, Ben, how people who are not honest to their true beliefs have a way of tripping over semantical elements?”
“By the way, you have not yet answered my question about whether you really believe that Leander was of the impression that the only credible explanations to the changes would have lain in either space availabe, age of the writer, the function of the pen or things similar to the function of the pen.”
Given the likely extent of Leander’s experience, I’d say he’s the best judge (at least better than you or I) of which “explanations” were likely to have come into play for this specific comparison.
“or, for that matter, admitting that you slipped up, something that would be a lot easier, considering that it was precisely what happened”
Tell you what, why don't you respond with one of those rambling 60-liners that ensure that your central bullet-points are obscured by the rubble?
Make me feel important.