Nor was that the aim from the beginning. The one thing that led on my question to Frank Leander was Bens stating that there were more dissimilarities involved than similarities inbetween the signatures. I thought, Sam thought, Mike thought, Debra thought and a small host of others thought that this was not true
I even copied the witness signature number three on thin paper and lay it over the image of Toppys signature, thus confirming that they WERE very much alike. But none of this was accepted by Ben.
He could easily have accepted Leanders verdict
A) Changed his mind without telling anybody.
B) Didn't make himself remotely clear first time (highly unbecoming of a profesional in the field of document examination). Or..
C) He was bombarded into supporting an aggressively-phrased, Toppy-endorsing viewpoint.
Those are the only realistic options.
The claim that there are "no other dissimilarities involved in this comparison, other that dissimilarities in amplitude" is a proven falsehood, so why Fisherman should feel the need to keep repeating a statement that cannot possibly be true is beyond me. Fisherman doesn't even seem to know what it means, and yet he's embraced it like his favourite buzzword. Bottom line - Leander specifically referred to differences that did not involved "amplitude". Anyone who claims otherwise is either unfamiliar with Leander's first post or is deliberately suppling information known to be false. Despite all this, Fisherman still keeps bleating that we have a "genuine match" despite Leander cautiously avoiding such silly and OTT phraseology.
You tell me that Leander has painted me as malicious, but what else could you possibly expect if you pollute a potentially valuable source by telling him that I've accused him of lying? Are you expecting him to make me a cup of tea, or what? "Ben the bastard thinks you're a liar, Leander. What have you to say to this charge? P.S. I love you" is a not a particularly laudable strategy if you're seeking a non-biased opinion, and if you're using it in mainstream journalism, that's a significant concern.
You still keep shoving that word "match" in his head, despite the fact that Leander himself never used that stinking word.
there is a signature around, purportedly by the Dorset Street witness that leads a renowned expert to say that it is so alike the Toppy signatures that he would be surprised if it was not by the same man.
Time for another dose of:
Once again - and a trillion more times if necessary - I utterly reject the professed "surprise" if it were not a genuine match since that view is in stark contrast to his initial neutral stance. He couldn't possibly subscribe to both stances simultaneously, so I'm inclined to the view that he fobbed you off a bit after you contacted him a few too many times.
Nobody will ever tire of disputing your oft puked-out nonsense, Fisherman, least of all me. You're even using such rhetoric laden-terminology now as "an almighty pointer in the direction of a match", as though you're trying to dupe people into believing that, despite being fully aware that Leander's first post - and subsequent grading system or instruction manual - conveyed no such thinking. All you're doing is portraying him in the worst possible light. Providing Leander with the opportunity to defend himself does not mean poisoning him against me to the extent of retarding any chances of him giving an unbiased conclusion, uncluttered with indignation over a perceived attack.
Lose a point, Fisherman, for resorting to inspid tactics, unbecoming of a sagacious journalist, and lose a point, Leander, for not having the sense to avoid falling into the silly unsubtle trap. That's all I'm criticising him for, whereas a more scurrilous person might have picked up on his complaint about lawyers attacking his written statements, and used it to illustrate a certain inability on Leander's part to clarify his true meaning. A sort of "phew, it isn't just me, then!" protest.
But as far as I am concerned, what we have is quite enough to satisfy myself that a match is beyond resonable doubt - there is not a chance in Utopia that one of the handful of Hutchinsons about wrote in the exact same fashion as did Hutch/Toppy
or, indeed, that an imposter who had the exact same type of handstyle as Toppy, actually chose the alter ego "George Hutchinson" when he masqueraded on Dorset Street that night.
It defies all common sense, and remains very, very much unsubstantiated suggestions
That said, you may have noticed that I stay away from any exchange with Ben nowadays