Sod it if I am right or wrong, such considerations come second to the more important matter that I displease you.
A person can be wrong, and behave like a bumptious gibbon.
Were I to encounter examples of both behavioural traits, my first advice would be stop behaving like a bumptious gibbon, irrespective of the topic under scrutiny or whether I feel they stand on firm theoretical ground.
Surely that isn't all that complicated?
People who follow me around message boards with the same unusually aggressive brand of dogma coupled with an aggressive, hectoring tone cause me tremendous irritation, and wherever belligerence is used in preference to the more level-headed "Let's agree to disagree" approach, the aggressors are in no position to express either surprise or indignation at being accused of bumptious gibbonry.
Well, Ben, get ready for more!
But for what?
More threats to bombard a Hutchinson/handwriting thread with hastily googled images of Victorian men's coats? Well, if that's what you consider to be a productive expenditure of both your time and the message board's bandwidth, fill your boots if you're hell bent on it. I'm sure you still have enough respect for your fellow posters to take it to the relevant thread next time.
A conventional nitwit knows that we are speaking of a SPECIFIC cutaway here - the one on Marshalls man. And if that was a "conventional cutaway" the way conventional cutaways looked back then (take another look at the photo I sent you
But no matter - it wasn't a convential cutaway.
A cutaway or morning coat is a type of TAILcoat.
Vic was right all them posts back
I love the way that my goldfishes' stools follow them around as they swim