Originally posted by Fisherman
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You wouldn't ascribe it to the mods just being busy having lives and doing important things would you?
The standard of evidence that is acceptable to you obviously leads you to conclude what you do, Fish, unfortunately. As in the Toppy/Hutch question, believing something or saying it repeatedly over and over does not make it true.
I did not make allegations Fish. You made allegations that i had fabricated what you said, even when, quite clearly, time and time again, i quoted you verbatim.
That was attacking my character. I admit i am new here, but anyone who has spoken to me in the chat room will hopefully have seen that i am a happy, honest, outgoing person...i have no interest in fabricating anything, nor do i care for baseless aspersions cast about me on a public message board. I could quite easily have accused you of fabrication in the saga of Leander and his Multi-coloured Dream-report, but i did not...i ascribed your posts to honest mistake. You did not afford me the same respect. Therefore you no longer have mine.
I asked you for an apology. Anyone with any moral fibre would have offered one, without having to be instructed to offer one by the Admin here. I tend to do the right thing without having to be told by someone else what the right thing is...i dont have many qualities, but introspection with a view to improving myself and doing the right thing is one of them. I think it's important. I think everyone should do it. But sadly some people can't be taught and don't know right from wrong, and they are hopeless cases as far as progress is concerned.
So as this thread goes leandering on...ooops i mean MEandering on...and on and on...please refrain from seeing silence as "victory" in the moderation stakes; it's sad and merely shows that you have no moral compass whatsoever. or what you should do would be perfectly clear to you, as it must be to anybody reading this debacle of a thread.
Oh, and please stop using my terminology and trying to suddenly argue that it is everyone else who is illogical whilst you are the pinnacle of reason. There is no rhyme nor no reason in any of your postings which flail wildly between Toppy being variously spoken of as possibly, probably, very probably or definitely Hutch...i'm surprised you have a handle at all on what you do actually think...i think your brain must be like a pinball machine with the ball clanging randomly on various parts of it, lighting up each different theory as it strikes you. Very odd indeed.