Originally posted by Simon Wood
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Evening News,Daily News November 14
On his statements on November 13,reported above,he made it "clear",to those "paying attention",when he said "saw no one else",that
the early morning of his story was not the same as when the woman (Lewis)walked down Dorset St. and into Miller's court.
It was just a one day "ride",November 12-13,then he exposed his story for those "paying attention'.But he did nothing "illegal",just one
of the kinds of witnessess mentioned by Supt. Foster in Star Oct.2.The inquest was finished so there was no possibility of a "fine".
So a one day "police" operation" does not look to me as something that made/makes sense.Why not longer? Abberline's letter (Nov. 12)
meant he was not on the"operation"?
The basic story of the case should be re-written without Schwartz and Hutchinson and with the dates of the murders (C5) very significant.