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The profession of Jack the Ripper.

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  • Originally posted by Craig H View Post
    I think Pierre's suspect is Alexander Carmichael Bruce, the Assistant Commissioner.
    If so, he lied about his suspect not being a Scotland Yard official.

    I also thought that his suspect was supposed to have been a uniformed officer. Monty can clarify but while an Assistant Commissioner might have had some form of ceremonial uniform, I somehow don't see him walking around Whitechapel at 3am in his full regalia!!

    And what about anatomical knowledge. Did Bruce have any?

    Have you considered the Chief Constables and Assistant Chief Constables at Scotland Yard who, with the exception of Williamson, were also drawn from the upper classes?


    • Originally posted by David Orsam View Post
      If so, he lied about his suspect not being a Scotland Yard official.

      I also thought that his suspect was supposed to have been a uniformed officer. Monty can clarify but while an Assistant Commissioner might have had some form of ceremonial uniform, I somehow don't see him walking around Whitechapel at 3am in his full regalia!!

      And what about anatomical knowledge. Did Bruce have any?

      Have you considered the Chief Constables and Assistant Chief Constables at Scotland Yard who, with the exception of Williamson, were also drawn from the upper classes?
      And would anyone be surprised by more lies?
      G U T

      There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


      • Originally posted by GUT View Post
        So Pierre who has David (os so he says) on his ignore list) checks before logging on to see what David has said, stranger and stranger, now can someone explain how he then quotes David after logging in. More BS from the king of BS.
        Hello Pierre


        • Originally posted by Whitechapel View Post
          A further update to the summary of where we think we are with Pierre's theory and all the clueses. I was going to call it a PC Jack theory like Monty but it seems to be more a Detective-Constable Jack, Detective-Sergeant Jack or an Inspector Jack theory.

          The person that Pierre has found was a well educated police official of a higher rank than constable, not a police surgeon nor a doctor but he had anatomical knowledge. At the moment Pierre won't confirm if he is a Scotland Yard official, but he did not have a senior role.

          The suspect lived in a house resembling a mansion (like No5 Palace Green, Kensington, London W8 see photo in Social class of JTR thread, post no 1) and he lived in several high status houses during his lifetime.

          Pierre's data can connect this person to five of the canonical murders and two of the dismemberment murders.

          Since they are linked to the dismemberment murders, they have some anatomical knowledge praised by the medical men and Dr Bond

          The reason for starting on the killing spree was worse than being fired or forced out of the Police service

          Chronology of murders
          May 1887 Female torso on Thames at Rainham
          31st August 1888 Ann Nicholls (PC Mizen said Lechmere said a PC was already at the scene). After Nicholls JTR changes his MO of appearing in Uniform.
          8th September 1888 Annie Chapman
          11th September 1888 Female arm discovered on Thames off Pimlico
          28th September 1888 Arm found on Lambeth Road
          30th September 1888 Elizabeth Stride & Catherine Eddowes, the latter with V shaped police chevrons on her face. Also Goulston Street Graffito found.
          2nd October 1888 Female torso found in construction site of New Scotland Yard. Pierre's hypothesis is that Jack the Ripper wanted to taunt the police by giving them a present, placing it in their new police building. He wanted to show the police that he was smarter than them.
          9th November 1888 Mary Jane Kelly's murder, in addition to a personal motive was designed as "a counter-demonstration to the LORD MAYOR'S Show." Pierre thinks JTR wrote a letter in the press, giving the address to Miller´s Court, the name of the victim: Mary and the date of the murder. In this letter he hints at Lord Tennyson who wrote a play called "Queen Mary" performed in London. The new Lord Mayor Sir James Webster was in it too.
          17th July 1889 Alice Mackenzie (Queen Mary and Lord Mayor thread post 35)
          4-11th June 1889 possibly Elizabeth Jackson torso and other body parts found in and around Thames at Horsely Down
          10th September 1889 possibly Lydia Hart Pinchin Street case

          The reason for ending the long killing spree from 1888 to 1889 was strictly personal and had nothing to do with insanity or suicide.
          Last edited by Whitechapel; 01-03-2016, 04:16 PM.


          • Originally posted by Craig H View Post
            I think Pierre's suspect is Alexander Carmichael Bruce, the Assistant Commissioner.

            He appears to be the only police official who matches the clues Pierre provided. He was born before 1858, was well educated, smart, lived in an expensive home, was not a police constable and not a member of City of London police.

            In the 1881 Census he was a Barrister living at 5 Redcliffe gardens, Fulham in a beautiful home with a number of servants.

            In 1901 And 1911 Census he was the Assistant Commissioner living at 82 Lexham Gardens, Kensington - again a very expensive home - with servants.

            Alexander's father was a Reverend and then a Canon for the Church.

            Alexander was knighted.

            He and his wife Helen had two children - Kenneth (who achieved rank of Colonel) and Phyliss.

            This would explain why Pierre said revealing this could reflect poorly on institutions.

            I couldn't find Alexander and Helen on the 1891 Census, but his daughter is staying with someone else. Maybe Alexander went overseas (Pierre said the killings stopped due to personal reasons).

            The motive may have bee changing the police leadership as Warren was unpopular and there was poor Police discipline.

            Does anyone know anything about Alexander Bruce ?

            Hi Craig,

            I know a little about him.

            He took over Anderson’s responsibilities while he was sick
            He appears not to have been involved in the day to day investigation, However he attended the sites of the Nichols and Chapman murders
            he wrote the summary of Packers statement his initials are on the document

            Now I would add a couple of points of concern, Pierre has said more than once he has not seen a photo of his suspect, however there is at least one photo of him readily available.

            you fairly speculate:

            " I couldn't find Alexander and Helen on the 1891 Census, but his daughter is staying with someone else. Maybe Alexander went overseas (Pierre said the killings stopped due to personal reasons)."

            He may have done, but he held his position at the Met until 1914, so this could not have been a long absence.

            Pierre has hinted that it was known who he was but nothing was done.
            however if that is true, is it conceivable that he would not only have not been punished by rewarded with a knighthood in 1903.

            you ventured that his motivation may have been :

            "The motive may have bee changing the police leadership as Warren was unpopular and there was poor Police discipline."

            While that may hold true up until the kelly murder, it does not explain the murders in 1889.

            Finally i do not know if he had any of the Anatomical skill/knowledge that Pierre hints at. he trained as a barrister, much the same as Druitt.



            • Originally posted by John G View Post
              Well, allow me to offer some words of comfort by citing Nietzsche: " To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering."
              The problem is Nietzsche had far too much time on his hands

              I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall if he'd walked into a late 19th Century Miner's home in the Welsh Valleys and came out out with that crap
              Last edited by Observer; 01-03-2016, 05:39 PM.


              • Pierre's suspect is Monro

                I think Commissioner James Monro is Pierre's suspect as he mentions in the Queen and Lord Mayor's thread post 35 that the letter provides "An explanation to Monro´s thinking"

                Monro had a turbulent relationship with Commissioner Charles Warren and resigned before the main 5 canonical murders and was reappointed after them as Commissioner to replace Warren in November.

                1888: August - Resigns after a struggle with Commissioner Charles Warren over the independence of the CID and Warren's blocking of the appointment of Melville Macnaghten. Monro is appointed "Head of the Detective Service" by Home Secretary Henry Matthews.

                November - Charles Warren resigns as Commissioner and is replaced by Monro.

                1889: June - Appoints Melville Macnaghten Assistant Chief Constable (CID).

                July - Investigates the murder of Alice McKenzie.

                This is the smoking gun or should I say knife.

                "In their book "Jack the Ripper : Summing up and Verdict" Colin Wilson and Robin Odell mention a theory in which Monro is actually the murderer! His motive is revenge against the police and in particular Charles Warren for the way he was treated and made to resign. Needless to say this theory has not gained any support. "
                Last edited by Whitechapel; 01-03-2016, 06:15 PM.


                • Originally posted by Whitechapel View Post

                  "... Needless to say this theory has not gained any support. "
                  Well that's one thing in common with Pierre anyway
                  G U T

                  There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                  • Originally posted by Pierre View Post
                    You were quicker than me. Thanks.

                    Regards, Pierre



                    Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.



                    • Originally posted by Observer View Post
                      The problem is Nietzsche had far too much time on his hands

                      I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall if he'd walked into a late 19th Century Miner's home in the Welsh Valleys and came out out with that crap
                      Yes, Nietzsche is generally a terrible philosopher. Wrote some interesting aphorisms though.


                      • Speaking of quotes, could I make a suggestion? In order to forewarn the unwary, would it be possible to prefix all of Pierre's threads with the words:

                        'Abandon all hope, he who enter here"

                        Just a thought.
                        Last edited by John G; 01-04-2016, 01:52 AM.


                        • Originally posted by John G View Post
                          Speaking of quotes, could I make a suggest. In order to forewarn the unwary, would it be possible to prefix all of Pierre's threads with the words:

                          'Abandon all hope, he who enter here"

                          Just a thought.
                          If you see it was started by Trollerre you know that anyway.
                          G U T

                          There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                          • Trolling

                            Originally posted by GUT View Post
                            If you see it was started by Trollerre you know that anyway.

                            Who is behaving like a "troll" here? Depending on your definition of "troll", who could it be?


                            Being a prick on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it's the internet and, hey, you can."


                            In spite of yours and a few others use of sarcastic remarks on my posts, I like you, GUT. I think you are funny. But you become irrelevant for the problems of the JtR-case.

                            And I think it is a shame, since I believe you are also able of an intelligent discussion.

                            Kind regards, Pierre


                            • Originally posted by Pierre View Post
                              I like you, GUT. I think you are funny. But you become irrelevant for the problems of the JtR-case.

                              And I think it is a shame, since I believe you are also able of an intelligent discussion.

                              Kind regards, Pierre
                              The problem is Pierre you aren't capable of intelligent conversation all you have done is throw out hints that you know something that no one else knows, that anyone with out academic qualifcations is beneath you and anybody who is ba "hobbyist" can't know anything.

                              Then you say things like the killer wrote a letter with MJK exact address and later his full name, but when put to the acid test can produce no such thing rather something that YOU (and maybe only you) interpret that way.

                              Sure there are many here that are capable of intelligent (and at times heated) debate it appears apparent that you aren't.

                              Or else you would do what you have ben challenged to do many times.

                              PUT UP OR SHUT UP.
                              G U T

                              There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                              • Originally posted by GUT View Post
                                The problem is Pierre you aren't capable of intelligent conversation all you have done is throw out hints that you know something that no one else knows, that anyone with out academic qualifcations is beneath you and anybody who is ba "hobbyist" can't know anything.

                                Then you say things like the killer wrote a letter with MJK exact address and later his full name, but when put to the acid test can produce no such thing rather something that YOU (and maybe only you) interpret that way.

                                Sure there are many here that are capable of intelligent (and at times heated) debate it appears apparent that you aren't.

                                Or else you would do what you have ben challenged to do many times.

                                PUT UP OR SHUT UP.
                                The way Pierre interprets things is a more like Sherlock Holmes thing.

                                He clearly is on the wrong forum!
                                “If I cannot bend heaven, I will raise hell.”

