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The profession of Jack the Ripper.

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  • Hi Whitechapel,
    When did Pierre say his suspect once lived in an expanded farmhouse? I mean, he may have done. He's said so many things and maybe I've missed it. I can't remember reading it, that's all.


    • Hi Rosella

      Apologies it was not an expanded farmhouse but an expansive home. I had trouble finding it too, but it was in a reply to Craig H on post 161 on this thread

      "You had also previously mentioned he was well educated, had anatomical knowledge (but not a doctor), lived at some stage in an expansive home such as the photo you uploaded, held a senior role (so am thinking he was not a Police Constable) and wanted to show the Police he was smarter than them."

      "Hi Craig

      Everything I can confirm as being on the right track is marked in green. As always your thinking is clear and concise.

      Regards Pierre"
      Last edited by Whitechapel; 01-03-2016, 05:58 AM.


      • Originally posted by GUT View Post
        No HP it's Pierre who keeps insisting that without a degree you mean nothing.

        I have never said having a degree makes me better than anyone else, but it is Pierre's oft repeated position that without one any research you do is worthless.

        You are wrong, GUT. You are confusing people with articles and books.

        Regards Pierre


        • Originally posted by GUT View Post
          I was bought up that one should respect their seniors.

          Not much respect from Trollierre unless someone has "academic qualification".
          Hi Gut,

          I respect people but I do not respect bad research, not even my own.

          Regards, Pierre


          • Originally posted by Pierre View Post
            You are confusing people with articles and books.
            I've always understood that articles and books are written by people. Perhaps I am wrong and they are being churned out by an army of robots.


            • Originally posted by Whitechapel View Post
              Just a summary of where I think we are with Pierre's theory and all the clueses. I was going to call it a PC Jack theory like Monty but it seems to be more a Detective-Sergeant Jack or an Inspector Jack theory.

              The person that Pierre has found was a police official but not a police surgeon but at the moment he won't confirm if he is a Scotland Yard official.

              The suspect once lived in a mansion or expanded farmhouse hinting that the suspect was a higher rank than a constable or sergeant.

              Pierre's data can connect this person to five of the canonical murders and two of the dismemberment murders.

              Since they are linked to the dismemberment murders, they have some anatomical knowledge praised by the medical men and Dr Bond

              The reason for starting on the killing spree was worse than being fired or forced out of the Police service

              Chronology of murders
              31st August 1888 Ann Nicholls (PC Mizen said Lechmere said a PC was already at the scene). After Nicholls JTR changes his MO of appearing in Uniform.
              8th September 1888 Annie Chapman
              11th September 1888 Female arm discovered on Thames off Pimlico
              28th September 1888 Arm found on Lambeth Road
              30th September 1888 Elizabeth Stride & Catherine Eddowes, the latter with V shaped police chevrons on her face
              2nd October 1888 Female torso found in construction site of New Scotland Yard. Pierre's hypothesis is that Jack the Ripper wanted to taunt the police by giving them a present, placing it in their new police building.
              7th November 1888 Lord Mayors Show
              9th November 1888 Mary Jane Kelly murder was designed to upset the London establishment so soon after the Lords Mayor's Show

              The reason for ending the long killing spree from 1888 to 1889 was strictly personal and had nothing to do with insanity or suicide.
              Hi Whitechapel,

              Fine. He did live in a house resembling a mansion and he lived in several high status houses during his lifetime.

              But why "7th November" for Lord Mayorīs Show?

              Kind regards, Pierre


              • Hopelessly hoping, again

                Pierre, child, are you at all familiar with the noble sport of fly fishing?
                Your lures, their feathers are disintegrating, from an existentialist point of view.
                From Voltaire writing in Diderot's Encyclopédie:
                "One demands of modern historians more details, better ascertained facts, precise dates, , more attention to customs, laws, commerce, agriculture, population."


                • Originally posted by David Orsam View Post
                  I've always understood that articles and books are written by people. Perhaps I am wrong and they are being churned out by an army of robots.
                  Don't be ridiculous. Robot army writing books. Ha! They are being churned out by a couple military AIs. The robot army only prints them.
                  I’m often irrelevant. It confuses people.


                  • Originally posted by Monty View Post
                    Point of fact,

                    All policemen, despite their rank, are officially police constables.

                    Apart from Commissioners who, until the 1970s, were Justices of the Peace.

                    So PC Jack remains in my opinion.

                    Hi Monty,

                    I think that is a very interesting. Whatever rank they would have, they were always ordinary PC:s. This means that they should always be prepared to do the dirty work, whatever their status. And a police official who was officially a constable would of course have known everything about working in an area like Spitalfields. He would also have been able to know, or to easily find out about, everything about the work of the police constables in that area.

                    Regards Pierre


                    • Originally posted by Rosemary View Post
                      Pierre, child, are you at all familiar with the noble sport of fly fishing?
                      Your lures, their feathers are disintegrating, from an existentialist point of view.

                      Hi Rosemary,

                      No, but the killer was familiar both with cutting women into pieces and enjoying himself with noble things like this:


                      Regards Pierre


                      • Originally posted by Craig H View Post
                        Hi Pierre

                        Does any of this make sense / on track ?

                        I assumed you were thinking we would try to join the dots from some of the clues you gave ???

                        All the best

                        Great job on this Craig H!
                        Here is the link to the Robert Sagar bio:

                        Clearly he is not the man that Pierre's suggesting, as he never occupied the type of lodgings that Pierre alludes to. Nonetheless, he is an interesting read.


                        • Saw this before logging in

                          Originally posted by David Orsam View Post

                          I've always understood that articles and books are written by people. Perhaps I am wrong and they are being churned out by an army of robots.

                          Mothers tend to love their sons even if they are serial killers. Does this mean that they approve of the murders?

                          Some think that Hitler built the Autobahn. Should we not drive on the Autobahn?

                          If a book is not a scientific book, do we have to hate the author?



                          • More Questions

                            If a strange person with a French name says he has found Jack the Ripper, should we believe him?

                            If I am being ignored by Pierre, why does he keep quoting my posts?

                            Mothers tend to love their sons even if they are metaphorical language speaking fantasists. Does this mean they approve of each new thread?


                            • An update to the summary of where I think we are with Pierre's theory and all the clueses. I was going to call it a PC Jack theory like Monty but it seems to be more a Detective-Constable Jack, Detective-Sergeant Jack or an Inspector Jack theory.

                              The person that Pierre has found was a well educated police official of a higher rank than constable, not a police surgeon nor a doctor but he had anatomical knowledge. At the moment Pierre won't confirm if he is a Scotland Yard official, but he did not have a senior role.

                              The suspect lived in a house resembling a mansion (like No5 Palace Green, Kensington, London W8 see photo in Social class of JTR thread, post no 1) and he lived in several high status houses during his lifetime.

                              Pierre's data can connect this person to five of the canonical murders and two of the dismemberment murders.

                              Since they are linked to the dismemberment murders, they have some anatomical knowledge praised by the medical men and Dr Bond

                              The reason for starting on the killing spree was worse than being fired or forced out of the Police service

                              Chronology of murders
                              31st August 1888 Ann Nicholls (PC Mizen said Lechmere said a PC was already at the scene). After Nicholls JTR changes his MO of appearing in Uniform.
                              8th September 1888 Annie Chapman
                              11th September 1888 Female arm discovered on Thames off Pimlico
                              28th September 1888 Arm found on Lambeth Road
                              30th September 1888 Elizabeth Stride & Catherine Eddowes, the latter with V shaped police chevrons on her face. Also Goulston Street Graffito found.
                              2nd October 1888 Female torso found in construction site of New Scotland Yard. Pierre's hypothesis is that Jack the Ripper wanted to taunt the police by giving them a present, placing it in their new police building. He wanted to show the police that he was smarter than them.
                              9th November 1888 Mary Jane Kelly's murder, in addition to a personal motive was designed as "a counter-demonstration to the LORD MAYOR'S Show." Pierre thinks JTR wrote a letter in the press, giving the address to Millerīs Court, the name of the victim: Mary and the date of the murder. In this letter he hints at Lord Tennyson who wrote a play called "Queen Mary" performed in London. The Lord Mayor Mr Sheriff-Newton was in it too.
                              17th July 1889 Alice Mackenzie (Queen Mary and Lord Mayor thread post 35)

                              The reason for ending the long killing spree from 1888 to 1889 was strictly personal and had nothing to do with insanity or suicide.
                              Last edited by Whitechapel; 01-03-2016, 12:12 PM. Reason: An update to the Pierre summary


                              • Originally posted by Whitechapel View Post
                                but he did not have a senior role.
                                Where do you get that from?

