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I think I have found him.

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  • Originally posted by pinkmoon View Post
    It's going to be big Tom it's also going to prove a lot of people wrong I'm just a bit upset that Pierre has obviously been tipped of. I wasn't going to post about it but I don't want Pierre to steal my thunder.
    So Pierre's suspect is Grampton??


    • Brenda,
      It's more of a farce at the moment.

      Let me propose the following :

      A new therory/solution is in the pipework. I assume for commercial reasons this is not to be common knowledge. Unfortunately it has leaked to some.
      One person has posted under an assumed name he has a theory.
      Now he says he will reveal in sept/oct 2016.
      And from comments made today it seems this other solution is due to be made public around same time.
      I would guess that those in the know think they know who Pierre is.
      This is the problem with secrets ; once it is shared it is no longer a secret!
      I would not be surprised if we get some details much sooner than we are being told.
      If this solution is so big and so ground shattering there is no way people can keep quite for up to 10 or 11 months.
      We may not get much in the way of details but pretty sure we will get a lille, people will keep on asking one way or another



      • To my fellow gramptonologists

        Originally posted by pinkmoon View Post
        It's going to be big Tom it's also going to prove a lot of people wrong I'm just a bit upset that Pierre has obviously been tipped of. I wasn't going to post about it but I don't want Pierre to steal my thunder.
        Pierre doesn't have all the pieces. Let's keep it that way, if you catch my drift. Where grampton is concerned, mums the word. Everybody write that five times or as many times as it takes to sink in.

        Where grampton is concerned, mums the word.
        Where grampton is concerned, mums the word.
        Where grampton is concerned, mums the word.
        Where grampton is concerned, mums the word.
        Where grampton is concerned, mums the word.

        Yours truly,

        Tom Wescott


        • Abby,
          for those of us not in on the secret I guess the question is :

          Is Grampton a person, a place or a group of people.

          We can only wait and see I fear


          • Originally posted by Elamarna View Post
            It's more of a farce at the moment.

            Let me propose the following :

            A new therory/solution is in the pipework. I assume for commercial reasons this is not to be common knowledge. Unfortunately it has leaked to some.
            One person has posted under an assumed name he has a theory.
            Now he says he will reveal in sept/oct 2016.
            And from comments made today it seems this other solution is due to be made public around same time.
            I would guess that those in the know think they know who Pierre is.
            This is the problem with secrets ; once it is shared it is no longer a secret!
            I would not be surprised if we get some details much sooner than we are being told.
            If this solution is so big and so ground shattering there is no way people can keep quite for up to 10 or 11 months.
            We may not get much in the way of details but pretty sure we will get a lille, people will keep on asking one way or another

            agree Brenda
            why try to keep something apparently so big so quiet for so long? Its only opening up the likelihood that someone will beat you to the punch or steal your thunder.


            • Originally posted by Elamarna View Post
              for those of us not in on the secret I guess the question is :

              Is Grampton a person, a place or a group of people.

              We can only wait and see I fear
              Hi El
              I just googled Grampton and all I got was this stupid thread. LOL!

              But im sure we probably wont have to wait too long now that the cat is out of the bag.


              • Abby,

                The only viable reasons are
                1. Research not concluded, I get the feeling this is not the reason.
                2. Comercial concerns.

                I always believed the point of research was to reveal the truth .
                We will just have to wait.


                • Not that old Grampton thing again - oh sorry Mums the word - Grampton's Mum?


                  • Originally posted by Pierre View Post

                    And who is Davidīs "viable" suspect?

                    Is it Francis Tumblety?
                    No Pierre, it is not, as Abby has explained.

                    Once again you demonstrate a propensity to leap to conclusions based on misunderstood data.


                    • Just in case Pierre and this Grampton are same.

                      Image search of the house Pierre said was like one his suspect once lived in shows Kennington palace gardens. Very top end.

                      Just for information.


                      • So now, in some ways fortunately, we have a name to pin on but it too is in abeyance until next April. "Grampton"! I'll wait for the developments.

                        Is it really going to be revealed on April 1, 2016? April Fools Day? That bolsters confidence, but again we'll see.

                        And Pierre, when people (for the most part) "tear down" new ideas (or "theories") it isn't because they like to destroy them - they are questioning them to see if the holes they may think exist in the ideas are answered sufficiently well in the new theory to support it's findings.


                        • This is absolutely true. The "tearing down" process is part of "peer review". And peer review is very important, it finds extant holes in theories, it establishes the theories that hold water, it shows where weaknesses are, which parts of the theory need more thought and/or research, and is extremely important. Although I will say there are far more personal attacks in these forums than are usual for the peer review process...


                          • It's a surname

                            Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
                            Hi El
                            I just googled Grampton and all I got was this stupid thread. LOL!

                            But im sure we probably wont have to wait too long now that the cat is out of the bag.
                            It appears to be a surname of English origin, with distributions in the United States as well.

                            Pat D.
                            Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


                            • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
                              Hi Pierre
                              Tumblety? who said anything about him? You know dang well the person that David put forth on this thread, and you responded to, is William Ripper.

                              But whos this Grampton fellow?
                              Come on. William Ripper is a joke. There were actually people named Jack Ripper in the 19th Century. They must be the killer then.



                              • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
                                Hi Pierre
                                Could you(or anyone else if they want) list all the hints (for lack of a better word) you have given so far in one post for us?

                                Thanks in advance!
                                So now they are asking for my hints and thanking me in advance. And I thought I was just bothering them.

                                Very kind of you. But there is no reason for taking my hints and comparing them to some theory about some Grampton which I havenīt got the slightest idea about.

                                Just trying to save you from doing meaningless work.

                                Regards Pierre

